Jan 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog

General Academic Regulations - Undergraduates

All students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the academic regulations stated in this Catalog; unfamiliarity does not constitute a valid reason for failure to fulfill them.

Academic Advising

It is the responsibility of the student to plan, enroll, and successfully complete the courses as designated in their program of study of their catalog year. Upon admission to the university, an academic advisor from the Lobo Den: Advsising and Tutoring Center is assigned to each student to help them plan their program of study and approve course selections. Academic advising is perhaps the most important service provided to students by the university. Careful, professional advisement can help entering students begin their academic coursework properly, make systematic progress toward fulfilling requirements for a degree as they progress from semester to semester, ensure they will be eligible for graduation upon satisfactory completion of the requirements, and assist students in making career choices.

Lobo Den: Advising and Tutoring Center (Alpine campus)

The Lobo Den: Advising and Tutoring Center has been established to help meet the needs of first-year students at the university. The Lobo Den: Advising and Tutoring Center is the advising center for all new students from their first semester through their first 30 semester credit hours (SCH).

Lobo Den: Advising and Tutoring Center professional advisors are responsible for advising all first-time freshmen, transfer students under 30 hours, undeclared majors, and Texas Success Initiative (TSI) non-compliant students. The objective of the professional advisor is to get the student started on their way through the Core Curriculum. Students must complete 12-18 hours of core courses their first year at SRSU. The Lobo Den: Advising and Tutoring Center advisor will advise students until they achieve 30 semester credit hours at which time the student will be transitioned to their major department faculty advisor.

Students above 30 SCH can receive advising at the Lobo Den: Advising and Tutoring Center if another option is unavailable.

Academic Honesty

The university expects all students to engage in all academic pursuits in a manner beyond reproach and to maintain complete honesty and integrity in academic experiences both in and out of the classroom. The university may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of any form of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on an examination or other academic work, plagiarism, collusion, and the abuse of resource materials.

Academic Dishonesty includes:

  1. Copying from another student’s test paper, laboratory report, other report, or computer files, data listings, and/or programs, or allowing another student to copy from same.
  2. Using, during a test, materials not authorized by the person giving the test.
  3. Collaborating, without authorization, with another person during an examination or in preparing academic work.
  4. Knowingly and without authorization using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, soliciting, copying, or possessing, in whole or in part, the contents of a non-administered test.
  5. Substituting for another student; permitting any other person, or otherwise assisting any other person, to substitute for oneself or for another student in the taking of an examination or test or the preparation of academic work to be submitted for academic credit.
  6. Bribing another person to obtain a non-administered test or information about a non-administered test.
  7. Purchasing or otherwise acquiring and submitting as one’s own work any research paper or other writing assignment prepared by an individual or firm. This section does not apply to the typing of a rough and/or final version of an assignment by a professional typist.
  8. “Plagiarism” means the appropriation and unacknowledged incorporation of another’s work or idea in one’s own written work offered for credit.
  9. “Collusion” means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit.
  10. “Abuse of research materials” means the mutilation, destruction, concealment, theft, or alteration of materials provided to assist students in the mastery of course materials.
  11. “Academic work” means the preparation of an essay, dissertation, thesis, report, problem, assignment, or other project that the student submits as a course requirement or for a grade.
  12. “Falsification of Data” means the representation, claim, or use of research, data, statistics, records, files, results, or information that is falsified, fabricated, fraudulently altered, or otherwise misappropriated or misrepresented.

All academic dishonesty cases may be first considered and reviewed by the faculty member. If the faculty member believes that an academic penalty is necessary, he/she may assign a penalty, but must notify the student of his/her right to appeal to the department chair, the Dean (Alpine) or Associate Provost/Dean (RGC), and eventually to the Executive Vice President and Provost before the imposition of the penalty. At each step in the process, the student shall be entitled to written notice of the offense and/or the administrative decision, an opportunity to respond, and an impartial disposition as to the merits of his/her case. The decision of the Executive Vice President and Provost shall be final.

In the case of flagrant or repeated violations, the Provost may refer the matter to the Dean of Students for further disciplinary action. No disciplinary action shall become effective against the student until the student has received procedural due process except as provided under Interim Disciplinary Action.

Academic Honors

Dean’s List

At the end of each fall and spring semester, a list is published of all undergraduate students who earned grade point average of at least 3.3 on twelve or more semester hours of college level course work taken that semester. No graduate hours are included in determining the grade point average.

Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities

Each year, Sul Ross State University is invited to submit nominees for inclusion in Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, a comprehensive directory of outstanding American college students. Selection is based on their accomplishments, personality, ability for leadership, and participation in activities. Students are nominated by faculty, peers, or self and must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 for consideration. The selection is made by a faculty/student committee.

National Honor Societies

Honor societies recognize and encourage high academic scholarship. Selection to an honor society is a prestigious distinction of outstanding accomplishment.

Students must qualify for and be accepted into honor societies. Membership is usually based on academic achievement, character, and leadership qualities.

ALPHA CHI - The purpose of this honor society is the stimulation, development, and recognition of scholarship. The members are chosen each year from the top ranking 10 percent of the junior and senior classes. A 3.3 GPA or above is required.

ALPHA PHI SIGMA - This nationally-recognized honor society acknowledges academic excellence shown by undergraduate and graduate students in the criminal justice sciences in order to make the Criminal Justice System and its practitioners more effective and ethical. Undergraduate student members must have completed three full semesters or equivalent with a minimum GPA of 3.0 overall and 3.2 GPA in criminal justice fields. Graduate student members must be enrolled at a master’s or doctorate level in Criminal Justice and carry a minimum GPA of 3.4 in criminal justice courses.

ALPHA PSI OMEGA - This organization is a chapter of the national dramatic fraternity Alpha Psi Omega. It is limited to those who have done outstanding work in dramatics.

BETA BETA BETA - Membership in the Epsilon Omega Chapter of Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society is limited to those students who have completed at least three semesters and have a grade point average of 3.0 in biological science courses. Tri Beta is an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Institute of Biological Sciences.

DELTA MU DELTA - is a national honor society in business administration for business majors who have completed at least half of degree requirements with a minimum 3.25 cumulative grade point average for undergraduates and a 3.6 cumulative grade point average for graduate students, are in the top 20% of their class, and in good standing.

DELTA TAU ALPHA - An affiliate of the national agriculture honor society, the Sul Ross chapter promotes and recognizes high standards of scholarship, leadership, and character among agricultural students. An overall standing within the top 35% of the class with completion of 45 hours is required.

KAPPA DELTA PI - An international honor society in education. Dedicated to promoting excellence in/and recognizing outstanding contributions to education. An overall GPA of 3.0 is required.

KAPPA PI - Membership in this international honorary art fraternity is limited to students who have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours in art courses and have a 3.0 minimum GPA in those classes. An overall GPA of 2.0 is also required. Scholarships are awarded annually from the international organization.

LAMBDA PI ETA - The official honor society of the National Communication Association, the Xi Epsilon chapter was established in Sul Ross in 2002. To be eligible for membership, a student must have completed 60 semester credit hours with at least twelve semester credit hours in communication and maintain a 3.0 grade point average with a 3.2 grade point average in communication.

PHI ALPHA THETA - An international honor society in history, first organized in 1921, Lambda Theta Chapter was installed at Sul Ross in 1966. To be eligible for membership, a student must maintain a high grade point average (3.0) in his or her studies, particularly in history, and a 3.1 GPA is required in the major field. Its purpose is to bring students of history together, both intellectually and socially, and to encourage and assist historical research and publication by its members in a variety of ways.

PHI ETA SIGMA - The Sachems Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society was established in 1991 at Sul Ross State University. The name Sachems was chosen to continue the rich traditions of this venerable local society which was founded at Sul Ross in 1921. This honor society is for outstanding freshman students.

PHI SIGMA IOTA - Phi Sigma lota is an international foreign language honor society whose membership is open to those who have academically distinguished themselves in the study of one or more foreign languages.

PI SIGMA ALPHA - Membership in the Omicron Phi Chapter of the national political science honor society is limited to students in the top one-third of the university community who have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours in political science with a minimum GPA of 3.0. The purpose of Pi Sigma Alpha is to promote political science inquiry.

PSI CHI - International honor society in psychology. Membership is limited to students who have achieved second semester sophomore status or above, are majoring or minoring in psychology, have completed a minimum of 12 semester credit hours in psychology, and have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.00 overall and 3.00 within their psychology courses. The purpose of PSI CHI is to recognize and promote excellence in the science and application of psychology.

SIGMA DELTA PI - Membership in Sigma Delta Pi, an international honor society for students of Spanish, is by invitation, based upon the overall grade point average, and performance in Spanish courses.

SIGMA GAMMA EPSILON - A national honor society for the earth sciences, the local Delta Rho Chapter promotes the academic and scientific advancement of its members by sponsoring guest speakers, field trips, and other related activities. To be eligible, a student must have completed 12 semester credit hours in Earth Science work. A GPA of 3.0 must be maintained in all studies. Upon meeting the above requirements, membership is by invitation.

SIGMA TAU DELTA - A national English honorary society, Sigma Tau Delta encourages study and creative efforts in the field of English literature and language. Men and women students enrolled for advanced English courses are eligible for full membership provided they have earned a 3.0 average in English.

Academic Standing


Scholastic regulations embody the academic standards of a University. The application of the following regulations is directed toward upholding the standards of SRSU - specifically, to impose the requirement of satisfactory academic progress. The academic regulations set forth the conditions for Academic Good Standing, Academic Probation, and Academic Dismissal. These regulations are intended to be consistent with the following objectives:

  1. To indicate to the student, at an early date and with regularity, that achievement below the standards required for graduation is regarded as unsatisfactory;
  2. To allow the first-time freshman the opportunity to remain a student until he/she has attempted two semesters;
  3. To give the student who performs poorly a warning which may prompt him or her to seek timely help from instructors, counselors, or other appropriate sources;
  4. To provide the student whose record shows that ultimate success in the University is in doubt with a trial period to prove that he/she is able to make reasonable academic progress;
  5. To prevent the student who lacks the required motivation or maturity from building a deficiency of quality points so great that it cannot later be overcome; and
  6. To state the standards and the consequent results of inadequate scholastic performance clearly enough that students, parents, faculty, and administrators can know the academic action (if any) which would follow from a particular academic record.

Students’ academic records are reviewed each semester. A student’s Cumulative Grade Point Average determines their Academic Standing at the end of each semester.

A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (“C”) must be maintained for an undergraduate student to remain in good standing academically. Should a student drop to below a 2.0 grade point average or fail to make satisfactory progress, the student will be subject to probation, suspension, or dismissal in accordance with the Grade Point Average Requirement Table.

Grade-point Average Requirement Table

  Cumulative GPA for Cumulative GPA for
Classification Scholastic Probation less than Scholastic Dismissal
(Applied only to those on Scholastic Probation) less than
Freshman (0-29 earned hrs.) 2.00 1.25
Sophomore (30-59 earned hrs.) 2.00 1.50
Junior (60-89 earned hrs.) 2.00 1.75
Senior (90 or more earned hours) 2.00 2.00

No student will be suspended until after having been on academic probation for one semester. The first suspension for a student will be for one long semester; the second suspension will be for two long semesters; and the third suspension will be for three years. A fourth suspension will result in permanent dismissal from the university.

Academic Good Standing

It is expected that all undergraduate students should maintain a Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 2.0 on all work attempted at SRSU. The University will, regardless of term GPA, certify a student to be in Academic Good Standing as long as that student has a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 or higher.

Academic/Scholastic Probation - General

A student who does not meet University standards for Academic Good Standing will be placed on Academic Probation. The purpose of Academic/Scholastic Probation is to provide students who are experiencing academic difficulties with intentional support and supervision to achieve success and gain Academic Good Standing.

A student will be placed on Academic Probation when their Cumulative Grade Point Average falls below a 2.0. The CGPA is based on cumulative hours grade points earned on all courses taken for which a grade of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “F/FX/F0” is recorded.

Developmental courses (numbered 0100-0999; ED B100, ENG B100, EMATH B100) are courses intended for students who may lack the necessary skills for entering collegiate level courses. These courses are not considered in determining academic standing. Since these courses are pre-collegiate level, they shall not be used to satisfy any requirement for graduation. These courses are not used for computation of cumulative grade point average for graduation, determination of class standing, eligibility for the Dean’s List, or for eligibility for graduation with honors.

Academic Suspension

First Suspension: Students will not be allowed to enroll of one long semester in the term following Academic/Scholastic Probation in which the Academic Contract for Success is not met.

Second Suspension: Students will not be allowed to enroll for two long semesters following Academic/Scholastic Probation in which the Academic Contract for Success is not met.

Third Suspension: Students will not be allowed to enroll for three calendar years following Academic/Scholastic Probation in which the Academic Contract for Success is not met.

Students who have been placed on academic probation or suspension by Sul Ross State University will be permitted to enroll during the summer terms to repeat courses and/or to endeavor to raise their cumulative grade point average.

Students will be notified by email when they are placed on probation and by letter and email when suspended. The official Sul Ross e-mail will be used for electronic notification; the local address will be used preferentially for notification by letter. If no valid local address exists, the permanent address will be used.

Appeals for Academic Suspension

A student who has been placed on academic suspension may appeal in writing for reinstatement. The letter should be addressed to the Undergraduate Academic Appeals Committee in care of the Center for Enrollment Services in Alpine or the Office of Admissions and Records for Del Rio, Eagle Pass, and Uvalde, and received one week prior to the first day of registration of the subsequent term. The committee will consider documented extenuating circumstances affecting the student’s previous academic performance, and whether, in their judgment, the student has a reasonable chance of achieving desired educational goals. If the student is reinstated, the Committee may impose certain conditions regarding courses, course load limits counseling, etc. If reinstatement is allowed, the suspension will appear on the student’s permanent record. If the committee denies reinstatement, the student may then appeal in writing to the Executive Vice President and Provost for Academic Affairs.

Students who are suspended and who register for enrollment at the University do so at their own risk. Monies paid for fees and tuition are subject to the refund regulations as stated in this catalog.

Academic Year

The academic year of the University consists of a long session and a summer session. The long session is divided into the fall semester and the spring semester. Each semester consists of fifteen weeks of classes and one week of final examinations. Within each fall and spring semester are courses taught in the first eight weeks only and the second eight weeks only. The summer session is a compressed semester of approximately 10 - 11 weeks (depending on the Julian calendar) divided into two short sessions, each five to six weeks in length.

Advising Holds

All undergraduate students are required to meet with their academic advisors for scheduling prior to the start of each new semester. Students must meet with their academic advisor to complete any registration process.

Advising - Pre-professional Programs

Students who intend to pursue their education in the professional fields listed below after they complete a degree or a portion of the professional requirements at Sul Ross State University should seek the advice and counsel of the advisor indicated.

Allied Health Areas:

Medicine, Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, Pharmacy,  
Chiropracty, Medical Technology, Optometry Christopher Ritzi (Biology)
Engineering Angela M. Brown (Mathematics)
Physical Therapy Christopher Ritzi (Biology)
Veterinary Medicine Jamie Boyd (Animal Science)

Appeals - Student (General)

When an extraordinary circumstance compels a student to request an exception to University Policy or Regulations, the student must petition the Office of Academic Affairs for exception.

Request for exceptions must be made within one semester following the end of the semester being appealed. Students may not petition for exceptions after graduating.

All procedures are confidential, respecting the privacy of the student. Decisions are final.

Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

To meet the requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges accreditation and to provide for continuing academic program development and evaluation, the university must assess academic programs on the basis of student learning outcomes. To assess such outcomes, students may be required to take additional examinations, participate in surveys, and/or provide samples of their work throughout their academic career.

Attendance Regulations


All students are expected to regularly and punctually attend classes in which they are enrolled.

Failure to do so may jeopardize a student’s scholastic standing and/or financial aid.

Students are responsible for the effect absences have on all forms of evaluating course performance. The student is responsible for arranging the allowed make-up of any missed work.


Faculty are required to state, in writing, their expectations regarding class attendance in the syllabus.

Faculty are expected to work with students to allow for completion of classwork and assignments if the student’s absence results from his/her required participation in a university-sponsored activity provided that, prior to the absence, the student makes arrangement to complete all missed work.

Students are usually allowed to make up work and/or tests missed because of serious illness, accident, or death in the immediate family. Faculty are required to make accommodations when specified by an ADA Letter, whether the disability is permanent or temporary.

Catalog Year


The maximal period of time for which the provisions of any catalog may be considered valid is six years. Students who began a degree program six or more years prior to the date of their anticipated graduation must consult their academic dean to determine which catalog must be followed.

The university will make a reasonable effort to honor the requirements in the student’s catalog year; however, because courses and programs of study are sometimes changed, the university shall make the final determination of whether degree requirements are satisfied.

Catalog Year for Degree-Seeking Students

To receive a degree from Sul Ross State University, a student must complete all requirements for the degree as stated in a particular university catalog. The student has the choice of (1) graduating under the current catalog, (2) graduating under the catalog in force at the time of first registering at Sul Ross State University, or (3) graduating under the catalog in force for any subsequent year of registration at Sul Ross State University.

For students returning to Sul Ross for a second degree at the same or higher level, catalog choice is limited to the catalog in effect at first registration in the new program or any catalog in force during any subsequent term of registration in the new program.

Students that transfer to Sul Ross State University from another Texas public institution of higher education have the choice of (1) graduating under the current Sul Ross catalog, (2) graduating under the Sul Ross catalog in force at the time of first registering at the transferring Texas public institution, or (3) graduating under the Sul Ross catalog in force for any subsequent year of registration at the transferring Texas public institution or at Sul Ross State University.

Each of these possibilities is subject to the condition that all requirements for a degree must be completed within six years from the date of the catalog selected. For example, a student who chooses to graduate under the requirements of the 2020-2021 catalog must complete all requirements for the degree under that catalog prior to August graduation in 2027, or a later catalog must be selected.

Catalog Year - Changing Catalog Year, Changing Major Within a College, or Changing Colleges

Students may change their catalog year or major at any time; however, after the official census date of the term, the change of catalog year or major will be made effective for the next available term. All changes must be declared at least one semester prior to the expected graduation term.

Catalog Year - Adding a Major, Minor and/or Concentration

Students will be allowed to change their program of study/major for the current term through the official census date of the term only. After the official census date of the term, the change of program of study/major will be made effective for the next available term. All major, minor, concentration or option changes must be declared at least one semester prior to the expected graduation term. Additional majors or minors can be dropped at any time.

Changing Catalog Year

Students may change their catalog year at any time; however, after the official census date of the term, the change of catalog year will be made effective for the next available term. All catalog year changes must be declared at least one semester prior to the expected graduation term.

Classification - Student Class

Classification of undergraduate students is made in the Office of the Registrar based on the number of credits earned, and is revised, as may be necessary.

The rules governing the classification of undergraduate students are:

  1. Freshmen: Students having fewer than 30 hours of credit (0 - 29.99).
  2. Sophomores: Students having at least 30 hours of credit (30 - 59.99).
  3. Juniors: Students having at least 60 semester hours of credit (60 - 89.99).
  4. Seniors: Students having at least 90 semester hours of credit (90+).

Hours completed in developmental education courses are not included for purposes of determining classification.


Primary communication at SRSU is through assigned email. Every student is given a SRSU email account. All SRSU email can be auto-forwarded to a personal email account. Important information is regularly sent to students via their SRSU email. All students are expected to become familiar with University policies, deadline dates, and information posted in various publications, on our website, and through informational emails sent to student accounts.

Students should refer to this Catalog, LoboOnline, and the SRSU Homepage for important information regarding registration, graduation application dates, policies/procedures, online payment options, news, and updates from the University community.

Contact Information

Students are responsible for accurately maintaining their demographic contact information via the university’s web portal, mySRSU. The university considers each student’s school/SRSU email address as the official, formal contact point. All official university correspondence will be sent to this address. Students should further maintain their physical addresses as there are periodic occasions when students will be contacted via United States Postal Service. The university will consider all correspondence mailed to a student at their email or physical address currently on file to have been received unless it is returned to the sender.

Continuous Enrollment

Sul Ross State University requires students to be enrolled in consecutive terms (fall and spring semesters, not summer) until the completion of the program of study and the awarding of the credential. Students not enrolled in a consecutive term must apply for readmission and should not expect to use the facilities or access services offered by SRSU when not enrolled.  

Core Curriculum

If you first enrolled at a Texas public university or college in Fall 1999 or more recently, your degree requirements include a Texas Core Curriculum (TCC.) Each institution establishes a set of courses for students to take in fulfillment of the TCC. The Sul Ross State University TCC courses are listed below. A course approved as TCC at one institution must be applied to the student’s set of core courses at any other institution. If you are transferring to Sul Ross from a Texas public institution and are “core complete”, you are not required to complete any of these courses in fulfillment of TCC. If transferring to Sul Ross from a Texas public institution and are not “core complete,” all TCC courses taken at the transfer institution will be applied to the appropriate area of the TCC at Sul Ross. Any areas not complete must be completed here at Sul Ross.

If you are transferring to an RGC program, you must complete your core curriculum at the transfer institution or Sul Ross State University in Alpine.

You may choose a major which has some more rigorous or more specific requirements than the Core. Most science majors, for instance, have more intensive math and science requirements. In these cases, the major requirements have priority. Therefore, switching institutions has become easier, but changing majors may still involve taking some extra courses.

For those and other reasons, no one should enroll in courses, core curriculum or otherwise, without consulting with an academic advisor.

Component Area SCH SRSU Subject and Number TCCN Subject and Number
010 Communication 6 ENG 1301 ENGL 1301
    ENG 1302 ENGL 1302
    ENG 2311 ENGL 2311
020 Mathematics 3 MATH 1332 MATH 1332
    MATH 1314 MATH 1314
    MATH 1316 MATH 1316
    MATH 1342 MATH 1342
    MATH 2413 MATH 2413
030 Life and Physical Sciences 6 ASTR 1303 ASTR 1303
    ASTR 1304 ASTR 1304
    BIOL 1311 BIOL 1311
    BIOL 1313 BIOL 1313
    BIOL 1306 BIOL 1306
    BIOL 1307 BIOL 1307
    BIOL 2301 BIOL 2301
    BIOL 2302 BIOL 2302
    BIOL 2321 BIOL 2321
    CHEM 1311 CHEM 1311
    CHEM 1312 CHEM 1312
    GEOL 1303 GEOL 1303
    GEOL 1304 GEOL 1304
    GEOL 1305 GEOL 1305
    IT 1309  
    NRM 2303  
    NRM 2305  
    NRM 1301 HORT 1301
    PHYS 1301 PHYS 1301
    PHYS 1302 PHYS 1302
040 Language, Philosophy and Culture 3 ANTH 1302 ANTH 2302
    ENG 2341 ENGL 2341
    ENG 2331 ENGL 2331
    ENG 2315  
    ENG 2322 ENGL 2322
    ENG 2323 ENGL 2323
    ENG 2327 ENGL 2327
    ENG 2328 ENGL 2328
    MAS 2301 HUMA 1305
    HIST 2301 HIST 2311
    HIST 2302 HIST 2312
    MUS 1309 MUSI 1310
    PHIL 1301 PHIL 1301
    PHIL 2303 PHIL 2303
    PHIL 2306 PHIL 2306
    PHIL 2307 PHIL 2307
    PHIL 2316 PHIL 2316
    PHIL 2321 PHIL 2321
    SPAN 1411 SPAN 1411
    SPAN 1412 SPAN 1412
    SPAN 2311 SPAN 2311
    SPAN 2312 SPAN 2312
    WS 2301  
    WS 2302  
050 Creative Arts 3 ART 1301 ARTS 1301
    FA 1302 MUSI 1306
    FA 1315 HUMA 1315
    IT 2304 ARTS 2356
    MUS 1308 MUSI 1308
    MUS 1312 MUSI 1312
    THEA 1310 DRAM 1310
060 American History 6 HIST 1301 HIST 1301
    HIST 1302 HIST 1302
070 Government/Political Science 6 PS 2305 GOVT 2305
    PS 2306 GOVT 2306
080 Social and Behavioral Sciences 3 ANSC 2312  
    ANTH 1301 ANTH 2351
    ECOA 2302 ECON 2302
    ECOA 2301 ECON 2301
    EDUA 2303  
    GEOG 1302 GEOG 1303
    GEOG 2302  
    PSY 1302 PSYC 2301
    SOC 2303 SOCI 1301
090 Component Area Option 6 COMM 1310  
    COMM 1315 SPCH 1315
    COMM 1320 SPCH 1321
    ENG 2341 ENGL 2341
    ENG 2331 ENGL 2331
    ENG 2315  
    ENG 2322 ENGL 2322
    ENG 2323 ENGL 2323
    JOUR 2311 COMM 2311
Total SCH 42    

Each of the degree requirements listings includes the core curriculum requirements.

Course Policies - General

Class Size

Classes at SRSU may be as small as ten. Small class size is a great advantage for both students and faculty. Each student is heard, and ideas and opinions are explored. Professors get to know students as individuals and the learning environment is enriched.

Class Attendance

Regular class attendance is important to the attainment of the educational objectives of the university. Class attendance is defined as being in class in person, virtually in a synchronous online class, or logging in and submitting material in an online asynchronous course. Therefore, students should attend all classes. Attendance includes being punctual for class and ready to engage with the professor and the day’s material and logging into courses. Non-participation and inactivity may include not logging on to the course, not submitting assignments or participating in other assigned activities as scheduled, not communicating with the instructor by phone or email, and/or not following the instructor’s participation guidelines stated in the syllabus. The instructor’s policy on class attendance will be explained at the beginning of the semester or term. In accordance with the instructor’s policy, the instructor has the right to penalize students who are out of compliance with the class-attendance policy.

Authorized/Excused Absences Statement.

An absence because of participation in an official university activity is considered to be an authorized/excused absence. While every effort will be made by departments to minimize missed class time of students by careful scheduling of authorized university activities, when a student has to miss a class due to an authorized university activity, it will be the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor of the class in advance. The department responsible for the authorized university activity will also notify instructors through the Student Life Office by providing an excused absence list to the office. Instructors will give students participating in an authorized university activity the opportunity to make up classwork, including tests, within a reasonable time and at the convenience of the instructor.

Should an instructor have an attendance policy that allows for the dropping of a student after a certain number of absences, authorized/excuses absences will not be counted towards that number of absences. Any student dropped for excessive absences will receive either an “F” or a “W” depending upon the faculty member’s discretion.

Religious Holy Days Absences (HB 256 78th Legislature) In accordance with Texas Education Code 51.911, SRSU shall excuse a student from attending classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day, including travel for that purpose. A student whose absence is excused under this subsection may not be penalized for that absence and shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment from which the student is excused within a reasonable time after the absence. “Religious holy day” means a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under section 11.20 of the Texas Tax Code.

Final Examinations

Examinations are scheduled at the end of each term. Exam dates are listed on the Registrar’s Office page. Students are expected to take exams at the scheduled times. A student who is absent from an examination without instructor approval may receive a grade of zero for the final examination which could result in a grade of “F” for the course. In case of illness or other unforeseen circumstances that could prevent a student from taking final examinations at the posted time, the student must contact the instructor and make individual arrangements to reschedule in advance of the exam.


At the end of each semester and each summer term final grades are recorded on the student’s permanent record by Office of the Registrar.

Grade Grade Meanings Quality Points
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Poor 1
F Failure 0
F0 Failure/Never Attended 0
FX Failure/Stopped Attending 0
I Incomplete Not Computed
CR Credit Not Computed
NC No Credit Not Computed
NG No Grade Not Computed
NR Not Reported Not Computed
P Pass Not Computed
PR Progress Not Computed
W/WX Withdrew Not Computed

Incomplete Grades

The grade of “I” is given by the instructor upon consultation with the student. The work to be completed and the deadline for completion must be communicated to the registrar in writing. A student may complete any outstanding work and a permanent grade assigned by the last regular class day of the immediately succeeding semester in which the course was originally taken. During the timeframe in which work is performed to earn the permanent grade, the “I” grade will be calculated in the student’s grade point average as not computed. If the work is not completed by the deadline, the “I” will be converted to a permanent “F” on the transcript.

Normally, an incomplete grade will be awarded only for situations such as illness, family emergencies, or unusual circumstances which prevent a student from completing a course in a semester or summer term. Incomplete grades must be removed prior to graduation.

Not Reported Grades

The grade of “NR” is given by the Office of the Registrar when the instructor fails to meet the grade submission deadline. The “NR” grade will be calculated in the student’s grade point average as not computed until such time as the instructor submits the official grade via the grade change request form.

PR Grades

There is one instance when “PR” grades are used in the grading process: Students who complete any developmental education courses, including ED 0300, ENG 0301, MATH 0300, or MATH 0301 or others, in good standing, but who have not earned a letter grade of “A”, “B” or “C” for the course may earn a grade of “PR”. The grade of “PR” indicates that even though the student has made progress throughout the semester the student is not yet ready to advance to the next course. Criteria for determining “good standing” are all of the following: the student must have attended class regularly, participated in class and class work, and demonstrated an increase in course knowledge. Students who are not in good standing at the end of the semester will earn either a grade of “D” or “F.”

Withdrawn Grades

The grade of “WorWX” is given for courses dropped after the 12th/4th class days through the last day to drop a course with a “W” as published in the University’s calendar. Students who wait until the published deadline must have complied with the class attendance policy of this catalog. An instructor is not obligated to recommend a “W” for a class if excessive absences have occurred. Students will not be permitted to drop a course or withdraw from the University after the published deadline.

Failing Grades

The grades “F”, “FX”, and “F0” are all failing grades. The “F” is awarded to students that continue to attend classes throughout the semester yet fail to pass the course. The “FX” is awarded to students that fail due to an unofficial withdrawal (student stops attending class without formally dropping or withdrawing). The “F0” is awarded to students that never attend class.

Symbols Associated with Courses and Grades

Sym. Purpose Quality Points
E Repeated Course Not Computed
I Repeated Course Highest Grade Computed
# Developmental Grade Not Computed

Repeat Policy

Except for courses specifically described, “may be repeated for credit”, only the highest grade received for a repeated course is calculated in the GPA. If the grade is the same when repeated, the most recent grade is calculated. The excluded grades will remain on the record but will be excluded from the GPA calculations. Courses repeated at a transfer institution will be treated in the same manner.

Grade Point Average

Sul Ross State University utilizes the four-point grading system. The student’s grade point average is determined by dividing the total number of GPA hours into the total number of grade points received. The grade point value for a course is determined by multiplying the number of credit hours by the quality point value for the grade earned. For example, grade points earned for “B” in a three semester credit hour course is 9 (3 credit hours x 3 quality points.) GPA hours are the hours for which a letter grade is earned (A, B, C, D, F), excluding repeated courses and developmental courses.

Grade Changes

An individual course grade may be changed when the involved faculty member certifies to the Registrar that an error was made in the original grade. The grade change must be approved by the department chair and appropriate academic dean. Grade changes must be submitted before the end of the next long semester after the grade was issued.

Grievances Regarding Course Grades or Professional Conduct of Faculty

Note: Student grievances based upon discrimination or exclusion from course activities because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age or disability are under the provisions of STUDENT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES (Student Handbook, the Faculty Handbook, and the Administrative Policy and Procedures Manual).

If a student disputes a course grade which has been reported to the registrar or if a student believes the conduct of an instructor in the instruction and/or administration of a course to be unprofessional, the student should discuss the concern with the instructor of the course. If the student is not satisfied with the results of that discussion, the student should make an appointment to discuss the concern with the Chair of the Department. If the concern is not resolved at the department level, the student should meet with the Dean of the College.

If the student is unable to resolve the concern satisfactorily through the discussions, the student may file a formal grievance with the Dean of the College. The student grievance must be filed on the Student Grievance of Grade or Student Grievance of Professional Conduct forms, available from the dean or Office of Academic Affairs. Any grievance regarding a grade or professional conduct must be filed within one semester of receiving the grade or of the questioned professional conduct.

Upon receiving the appropriate form, the Dean of the College will transmit the grievance to the faculty member for response. The response from the faculty member will be transmitted to the department chair for review, comment and recommendation and then to the academic dean who either resolves in favor of the aggrieved student or determines that the faculty member’s action complied with university policy. The student may appeal the Dean’s determination to the Provost. The student may appeal to the President if the student considers the determination of the Provost to be unsatisfactory.

No Grade

Students who do not desire college credit for a course may elect to take the course under the designation “NG” (no grade). To take a course under the “NG” designation, a student completes the NG Grade Option form and submits to the Center for Enrollment Services during registration or prior to the 12th class day. The no grade option is intended primarily for non- degree students who wish to improve their personal knowledge of a subject without receiving college credit. Students choosing the “NG” designation pay the same tuition and fees as students taking the course for credit and consequently are entitled to participate in all class activities and to receive the same student services available to other students.

Grade Reports

Students can access their grades through Self-Service as soon as they are posted by faculty and officially verified by the Registrar’s Office.


Students who desire to audit a course must complete the Permission to Audit form available from www.sulross.edu/registrar. Students must obtain permission of the instructor, the chairperson of the department, and the Registrar. Students may not audit a laboratory-type or activity course or a graduate level course. Those who audit a course do not have the privilege of participating in class in any way; they audit for the purpose of seeing or hearing only. The audit fee is $50 for each course audited. No registration for audit can be completed until the first day of classes.

Students may choose to audit a lecture course if they wish to broaden their academic exposure but do not need to take the course for credit. Notification of the choice to audit a course must be filed within the Registrar’s Office before the end of the drop/add period. The decision to audit a course is irrevocable. Students cannot receive financial aid for audited courses, and audited courses do not count toward the credits required for a full-time load for financial-aid purposes.

Once a student has audited a course, they are not eligible to receive academic credit by advanced-standing examination or advanced placement. Students are allowed to enroll and receive academic credit for previously audited work by enrolling in the course for academic credit.

Credits and Semester Hours

The semester credit hour is the basis of credit. Sul Ross State University adheres to the conceptualization of the semester credit as defined by the U.S. Department of Education and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools-Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). One semester credit hour is awarded for each one-hour (50 minute) lecture class session per week for the duration of the semester with a minimum of two hours outside preparation for each in-class session. One semester credit hour is awarded for each two (100 minutes) to four (200 minutes) contact hours of laboratory work.

Alternative Course Formats:

In addition to traditional in-class instruction, the following formats are used for instruction: laboratories, studio courses, web-based courses, shortened and weekend courses, individual studies, and internship courses. The policy of the University is for each format to require the following hours of course activity per week:

  • One-hour laboratory courses shall require two to four hours of in-laboratory and preparation time per week during the course of the semester, based on the discipline;
  • Three-hour studio courses shall require nine hours of in-studio instruction per week during the course of the semester;
  • Three-hour web-based courses shall require nine hours of instruction, activity, or study time per week during the course of the semester;
  • Three-hour shortened-format or weekend-format courses shall require the equivalent of nine hours of instruction and preparation per week during the course of the semester;
  • Three-hour individual studies’ courses shall require nine hours of instruction and preparation per week during the course of the semester;
  • Three-hour internship courses shall require nine hours of instruction and on-site experience per week during the course of the semester;
  • Other alternative format courses shall require the equivalent of three hours of course activity per week of a traditional semester for each credit hour awarded for the course.

Credit by Examination

Students enrolled at Sul Ross State University and prospective students may earn up to 30 semester hours college credit by examinations with acceptable scores made on the College Level Examination Program tests (CLEP), DANTES/DTTS, Advanced Placement, the Scholastic Aptitude Test, and the American College Test. Scores on the CLEP General Examinations and Advanced Placement examinations must be submitted prior to initial enrollment by students who have not attempted any previous college work. Enrolled students desiring CLEP/DANTES credit should take the Subject Examinations. A student may receive credit only in those courses in which he/she has not earned academic credit accepted by Sul Ross State University. Students may not attempt credit by examination for a course in which they have received failing grades or for a basic course in those areas in which they have acceptable college credit for more advanced courses.

Students who desire to earn credits by examination should confer with their major advisors or high school counselors if they have not entered college, for permission before applying to take an examination for credit and paying the required fees.

Students must make arrangements for testing with Career Services and Testing at 432-837- 8178 or 432-837-8357.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Credit is awarded for the examinations listed below. Credit may be awarded for acceptable scores on tests not listed upon the approval of the awarding department and college:

Subject Examinations University Course and Number Minimum Award Score
American Government PS 2305 3 50
American History HIST 1301 3 50
American History II HIST 1302 3 50
American Literature ENG 2327 3 50
Analysis & Interpretation Of Literature (includes essays) ENG 2341 3 50
College Algebra MATH 1314 3 50
Calculus with Elementary Functions MATH 2413 4 41
Educational Psychology ED 3302 3 50
English Literature ENG 2322 3 50
General Biology BIOL 1311/1111, 1313/1113 8 50
General Psychology PSY 1302 3 50
Human Growth and Development ED 3304 3 50
Introduction to Management MGT 3360 3 50
Introduction to Accounting ACC 2301, 2302 6 50
Introductory Business Law GBA 3351 3 50
Introductory Microeconomics ECO 2302 3 50
Introductory Macroeconomics ECO 2301 3 50
Introductory Marketing MKT 3370 3 50
Introductory Sociology SOC 2303 3 50
First-Year College - Spanish SPAN 1411, 1412 8 50
First-Year College - French FREN 1411, 1412 8 50
First-Year College - German NEN 8 50
Trigonometry MATH 1316 3 50
Western Civilization HIST 2301 3 50
Western Civilization II HIST 2302 3 50

*English Composition tests are given only in January, April, June and October

Dantes Subject Standardized Tests (DSSTs)

Credit is awarded for the examinations listed below. Credit may be awarded for acceptable scores on tests not listed upon the approval of the awarding department and college:

DANTES University Course and Number Semester Credit Hours Awarded Minimum Grade
Introductory College Algebra/Fundamentals of College Algebra MATH 1314 3 46/400
Principles of Statistics MATH 1342 3 400
Lifespan Developmental Psychology PSY 2310 3 400
General Anthropology ANTH 1301 3 400
Introduction to Law Enforcement CJ 1301 3 400
Principles of Finance FIN 3340 3 46/400
Principles of Financial Accounting ACC 3332 3 400
Human Resource Mgmt. MGT 3363 3 400
Organizational Behavior MGT 4361 3 400
Computing and Information Technology CS 1309 3 400
Introduction to Business GBAA 1301 3 400
Money and Banking ECOA/ECOR 3300 3 400
Personal Finance FIN 1101 3 400
Astronomy ASTR 1303 3 400
Physical Geology GEOL 1303 3 46
Technical Writing ENG 2311 3 400
Ethics in America PHIL 1302 3 400

Advanced Placement (AP)

Credit is awarded for the examinations listed below. Credit may be awarded for acceptable scores on tests not listed upon the approval of the awarding department and college:

AP Examinations: Sul Ross State University Course and Number Semester Credit Hours Awarded Minimum Grade
History of Art ART 1303, 1304 6 3
Biology BIOL 1311/1111
BIOL 1313/1113
8 3
Chemistry CHEM 1311/1111
CHEM 1312/1112
8 3
Computer Science A CSA 1309 3 3
Economics - Microeconomics ECOA 2302 3 3
Economics - Macroeconomics ECOA 2301 3 3
English - Language and Composition ENG 1301, 1302 6 3
Government and Politics - US PS 2305 3 3
History - World HIST 2301, 2302 6 3
History - United States HIST 1301, 1302 6 3
Mathematics - Calculus AB MATH 2413 4 3
Mathematics - Calculus BC MATH 2413, 2414 8 3
Music Theory MUS 1311, 1312 6 3
Physics B PHY 1301/1101
PHY 1302/1102
8 3
Physics C (Mechanics) PHY 1301/1101 4 3
Physics C (Electricity and Magnetism) PHY 1302/1102 4 3
Psychology PSY 1302 3 3
Spanish - Language SPAN 1411, 1412 8 3
Spanish - Literature SPAN 3304 3 3

International Baccalaureate Program

Sul Ross State University recognizes the value of the International Baccalaureate program and has approved the granting of credit for the IB higher-level exams when a score of 5 or higher is obtained. Credit will be granted for the following higher-level exams: biology, business, chemistry, economics, English, French, geography, German, history, music, philosophy, physics, psychology, and Spanish.

SRSU will grant limited credit for standard-level exams when a score of 4 or more is obtained. Credit only may be awarded at the discretion of the appropriate department for scores other than those required here.

A maximum of 28 hours will be awarded from the IB Diploma. The hours will only be awarded from the International Baccalaureate transcript.

An official IB transcript must be sent to Sul Ross State University.

Grades accepted: 7 & 6 = A, 5 = B for Higher Exams Only

Higher Exam Credit Hours Equivalent SRSU Course Texas Common Course Number
Biology 8 BIOL 1311/1111, 1313/1113 BIOL 1311/1111, BIOL 1313/1113
Business Management 6 FINA/FINR 3340, MGTA/MGTR 3360 N/A
Chemistry 8 CHEM 1311/1111, 1312/1112 CHEM 1111, 1311, 1112, 1312
Economics 6 ECOA 2301, 2302 ECON 2301, 2302
English 6 ENG 1301, 1302 ENGL 1301, 1302
French 8 FREN 1411, 1412 FREN 1411, 1412
German 8 Language Requirement GERM 1411, 1412
Geography 3 GEOG 1302 GEOG 1303
History 6 HIST 1301, 1302 HIST 1301, 1302
Music 3 MUS 1308 MUSI 1308
Philosophy 3 PHIL 1301 PHIL 1301
Physics 8 PHYS 1301/1101, 1302/1102 PHYS 1301/1101, 1302/1102
Psychology 3 PSY 1302  
Spanish 8 SPAN 1411, 1412 SPAN 1411, 1412

Grades accepted: 7 or 6 = A, 5 = B for the following:

Standard Exam Credit Hours Equivalent SRSU Course Texas Common Course Number
Art 3 ART 1301 ART 1301
Economics 6 ECOA 2301, 2302 ECON 2301, 2302
Music 3 MUS 1308 MUSI 1308
Theatre 3 THEA 1310 DRAM 1310

Grades accepted: 7 or 6 only for the following:

Standard Exam Credit Hours Equivalent SRSU Course Texas Common Course Number
Biology 8 BIOL 1311/1111, 1313/1113 BIOL 1311/1111, BIOL 1313/1113
Chemistry 8 CHEM 1311/1111, 1312/1112 CHEM 1111, 1311, 1112, 1312
Computer Science 3 CS 1301 COSC 1301
Mathematical Studies 6 MATH 1314, 1316 MATH 1314, 1316
Mathematical Studies 7 MATH 1316, 2413 MATH 1316, 2413
Physics 8 PHYS 1301/1101, 1302/1102 PHYS 1301/1101, 1302/1102

Grades accepted: 7 & 6 =A, 5 = B for the following:

Standard Exam Credit Hours Equivalent SRSU Course Texas Common Course Number
Philosophy 3 PHIL 1301 PHIL 1301
Psychology 3 PSY 1302  

Grades accepted: 5 or 4 = credit for the following:

Standard Exam Credit Hours Equivalent SRSU Course Texas Common Course Number
French 8 FREN 1411, 1412 FREN 1411, 1412
German 8 Language Requirement GERM
Spanish 8 SPAN 1411, 1412 SPAN 1411, 1412

Grades accepted: 7 or 6 = credit for the following:

Standard Exam Credit Hours Equivalent SRSU Course Texas Common Course Number
French 14 FREN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 FREN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312
German 14 Language Requirement GERM 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312
Spanish 14 SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312

To Request the International Baccalaureate transcript, call (212) 696-4464 or write to:

International Baccalaureate North
200 Madison Avenue, Suite 2007
New York, NY 10016

Transcripts should be sent to:

Sul Ross State University
Center for Enrollment
Services SRSU Box C-108
Alpine, TX 79832

American College Test (ACT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

Credit for English and Mathematics courses is offered to entering freshmen whose scores are sufficient to meet the guidelines listed below:

1. English

ACT English Score SAT Critical Reading Score (SAT prior to March 2016) SAT Reading Score (effective March 2016) Credit:
30+ 588+ 32+ ENG 1301

2. Mathematics

ACT Math Score SAT Math Score (SAT prior to March 2016) SAT Math Score (effective March 2016) Credit:
30+ 603+ 620+ MATH 1314

Any credit awarded will be recorded on the student’s transcript after the successful completion of the first semester as a full-time beginning freshman student with a minimum grade point average of 2.0. The credit awarded may not replace any work which has been attempted or completed in the English or Mathematics courses shown.

The Enhanced American College Test and the Scholastic Aptitude Test are offered periodically on nationally established dates.

Cooperative Military Programs

Service Members Opportunity Colleges. Sul Ross State University has been designated as an institutional member of Service members Opportunity Colleges (SOC), a group of over 400 colleges and universities providing voluntary postsecondary education to members of the military throughout the world. As a SOC member, Sul Ross State University recognizes the unique nature of the military lifestyle and has committed itself to easing the transfer of relevant course credits, providing flexible academic residency requirements, and crediting learning from appropriate military training and experiences when such actions are consistent with general University requirements stated elsewhere in this Catalog. Recognition will be given to educational experiences obtained in the Armed Service which are consistent with general University policies regarding admission procedures, transfer credit from other colleges and universities, and courses completed through the United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI), The College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and Defense Activity for Traditional Educational Support (DANTES), which are equivalent to CLEP credit awarded. SOC has been developed jointly by educational representatives of each of the Armed Services, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and a consortium of thirteen leading national higher education associations. It is sponsored by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) and the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges (AACJC).

Credit for Military Service and Service School Courses

Sul Ross State University utilizes the American Council on Education’s Guide to the Evaluation of Education Experiences in the Armed Services in evaluating and awarding credit for military service and service school courses. Veterans and service personnel may submit requests for credit as follows:

  1. Veterans should submit to the Center for Enrollment Services or the Office of Admissions and Records DD Form 214, “Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge” for consideration of credit. To be eligible for consideration, the veteran must have served on active duty at least 181 days exclusive of training.
  2. Service personnel currently on active duty should submit to the Center for Enrollment Services or the Office of Admissions and Records DD Form 295, “Application for the Evaluation of Educational Experiences During Military Service,” certified by a military education officer, in order to have service school courses evaluated.
  3. Air Force personnel desiring credit for vocational certificates earned through the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) should request the CCAF to send an official transcript to the Office of the Registrar (Alpine) or the Office of Admissions and Records (RGC).

The total amount of undergraduate credit which may be awarded for all categories of military service, service school courses, CLEP/DANTES, and collegiate organization courses is thirty semester hours.

Credit for Non-collegiate Organization Courses

Sul Ross State University may grant limited credit for the successful completion of courses conducted by a non-collegiate organization. For this purpose, the University will follow the general recommendations of the American Council on Education as outlined in a Guide to Educational Credit by Examination. The maximum amount of college credit awarded will vary according to individual circumstances, but the total undergraduate credit for such courses, for military service, and for CLEP or DANTES may not exceed thirty semester hours. Questions concerning graduate credit should be directed to the Center for Enrollment Services. In order for the non-collegiate organizations’ courses to be considered, these procedures must be followed:

  1. The student must request the sponsoring organization to submit to the Center for Enrollment Services a transcript, certificate, or statement verifying that the courses have been successfully completed.
  2. The student must enroll in Sul Ross State University and successfully complete one long semester or one summer session of at least twelve semester hours work before credit for the non-collegiate organization’s courses will be awarded.
  3. Where possible, credit will be given for Sul Ross State University courses, which are equivalent to those completed. The Center for Enrollment Services will determine the equivalencies. In all cases, credit will be awarded on the basis of one semester hour for each fifteen hours of classroom lecture contact, or one semester hour for each thirty hours of laboratory work, or one semester hour for not less than forty-five hours of vocational shop instruction.
  4. Credit awarded for non-collegiate organization course work may or may not be utilized to satisfy requirements in the major or minor fields, depending on the evaluation of individual needs by the academic administration of the University. Such decisions will be made in consultation with the student.

Course Numbering System

The four-digit numbering system is based on the following criteria:

  • The level of the courses is identified by the first digit as follows: freshman, 1; sophomore, 2; junior, 3; senior, 4; and graduate, 5-7.
  • The semester credit hour is identified by the second digit.
  • University and/or departmental codes are identified by the last two digits.

Course titles in the academic programs section of this Catalog are followed by two numbers in parentheses.

  • The first number refers to the number of lecture contact hours per week;
  • The second refers to the number of laboratory contact hours per week. For example, (3-2) indicates three contact hours of lecture and two contact hours of laboratory each week. Lecture contact hours are the hours per week students are required to spend in contact with faculty in a lecture setting, e.g., class, conference, seminar, individual instruction, private lesson, thesis or dissertation discussion, or independent study. Laboratory contact hours are the number of hours per week that students are required to spend in contact with faculty in an experiential situation, e.g., laboratory clinical, practicum, internship, or student teaching.

Texas Common Course Numbering System

The Texas Common Course Numbering System is a voluntary, co-operative effort among Texas community colleges and universities to facilitate transfer of freshman- and sophomore-level general academic coursework. TCCNS provides a shared, uniform set of course designations for students and their advisors to use in determining both course equivalency and degree applicability of transfer credit on a statewide basis. When students transfer between two participating TCCNS institutions, a course taken at the sending institution transfers as the course carrying the same TCCNS designation at the receiving institution.

Course numbers in the academic programs section of this catalog are followed by the Texas Common Course Number prefix and number in parentheses where appropriate.

SRSU Sub Num Title TCCNS Equivalent
ACCA 2301 Principles of Accounting I ACCT 2301 Principles of Financial Accounting
ACCA 2302 Principles of Accounting II ACCT 2302 Principles of Managerial Accounting
ANSC 1419 General Animal Science AGRI 1419 Introductory Animal Science
ANTH 1301 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 2351 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 1302 Introduction to Archeology ANTH 2302 Introduction to Archeology
ART 1301 Art Appreciation ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation
ART 1303 Art History I ARTS 1303 Art History I (Prehistoric to the 14th Century)
ART 1304 Art History II ARTS 1304 Art History II (14th Century to the Present)
ART 1311 Design I ARTS 1311 Design I (2- Dimensional)
ART 1312 Design II ARTS 1312 Design II (3- Dimensional)
ART 1316 Drawing I ARTS 1316 Drawing I
ART 1317 Drawing II ARTS 1317 Drawing II
ART 2313 Design Communication I ARTS 2313 Design Communications I
ART 2316 Painting I ARTS 2316 Painting I
ART 2323 Life Drawing I ARTS 2323 Life Drawing I
ART 2326 Sculpture ARTS 2326 Sculpture I
ART 2346 Ceramics I ARTS 2346 Ceramics I
ART 2347 Ceramics II ARTS 2347 Ceramics II
ART 2366 Watercolor ARTS 2366 Watercolor I
AST 1305 Business Computer Applications BCIS 1305 Business Computer Applications
ASTR 1103 Stars and Galaxies Lab ASTR 1103 Stars and Galaxies Lab
ASTR 1104 Solar System Lab ASTR 1104 Solar System Lab
ASTR 1303 Stars and Galaxies ASTR 1303 Stars and Galaxies
ASTR 1304 Solar System ASTR 1304 Solar System
BIOL 1106 Biology for Majors I Lab BIOL 1106 Biology for Science Majors I (lab)
BIOL 1107 Biology for Majors II Lab BIOL 1107 Biology for Science Majors II (lab)
BIOL 1111 General Botany Lab BIOL 1111 General Botany (Lab)
BIOL 1113 General Zoology Lab BIOL 1113 General Zoology (Lab)
BIOL 1311 General Botany BIOL 1311 General Botany (lecture)
BIOL 1306 Biology for Majors I BIOL 1306 Biology for Science Majors I (lecture)
BIOL 1307 Biology for Majors II BIOL 1307 Biology for Science Majors II (lecture)
BIOL 1313 General Zoology BIOL 1313 General Zoology (lecture)
BIOL 2101 Anatomy & Physiology I Lab BIOL 2101 Anatomy & Physiology I (lab)
BIOL 2102 Anatomy & Physiology II Lab BIOL 2102 Anatomy & Physiology II (lab)
BIOL 2121 Microbiology Lab BIOL 2121 Microbiology For Majors (lab)
BIOL 2301 Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 2301 Anatomy & Physiology I (lecture)
BIOL 2302 Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 2302 Anatomy & Physiology II (lecture)
BIOL 2321 Microbiology BIOL 2321 Microbiology For Majors (lecture)
BIOL 2404 Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 2404 Anatomy & Physiology (lecture + lab)
BIOL 2406 Environmental Biology BIOL 2406 Environmental Biology (lecture + lab)
CHEM 1111 General Chemistry I Lab CHEM 1111 General Chemistry I (Lab)
CHEM 1112 General Chemistry II Lab CHEM 1112 General Chemistry II (Lab)
CHEM 1311 General Chemistry I CHEM 1311 General Chemistry I (Lecture)
CHEM 1312 General Chemistry II CHEM 1312 General Chemistry II (Lecture)
CJ 1301 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRIJ 1301 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ 1307 Crime in America CRIJ 1307 Crime in America
CJ 1313 Juvenile Justice System CRIJ 1313 Juvenile Justice System
CJ 2313 Correctional Systems & Practices CRIJ 2313 Correctional Systems & Practices
CJ 2323 Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement CRIJ 2323 Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement
CJ 2328 Police Systems & Practices CRIJ 2328 Police Systems & Practices
COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communication COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communication
COMM 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication
COMM 1318 Interpersonal Communication SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 1320 Business and Professional Communication SPCH 1321 Business & Professional Communication
COMM 2307 Basic Radio COMM 2303 Audio Production
COMM 2333 Small Group Communications SPCH 2333 Discussion & Small Group Communication
CSA 1309 Computer Science I COSC 1336 Programming Fundamentals I
CSA 1320 Computer Science II COSC 1337 Programming Fundamentals II
CSA 2315 Data Structures COSC 2336 Programming Fundamentals III
ECOA 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECOA 2302 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
ENG 1301 Composition I ENGL 1301 Composition I
ENG 1302 Composition II ENGL 1302 Composition II
ENG 2311 Technical & Business Writing ENGL 2311 Technical & Business Writing
ENG 2322 British Literature I ENGL 2322 British Literature I
ENG 2323 British Literature II ENGL 2323 British Literature II
ENG 2327 American Literature I ENGL 2327 American Literature I
ENG 2328 American Literature II ENGL 2328 American Literature II
ENG 2331 World Literature ENGL 2331 World Literature
ENG 2341 Forms of Literature ENGL 2341 Forms of Literature
FA 1302 Music Appreciation MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation
GBA 1301 Business Principles BUSI 1301 Business Principles
GEOG 1302 World Regional Geography GEOG 1303 World Regional Geography
GEOL 1103 Physical Geology Lab GEOL 1103 Physical Geology Lab
GEOL 1104 Historical Geology Lab GEOL 1104 Historical Geology Lab
GEOL 1105 Environmental Geology Lab GEOL 1105 Environmental Science Lab
GEOL 1303 Physical Geology GEOL 1303 Physical Geology
GEOL 1304 Historical Geology GEOL 1304 Historical Geology
GEOL 1305 Environmental Geology GEOL 1305 Environmental Science
HIST 1301 History of the United States to 1877 HIST 1301 United States History I
HIST 1302 History of the United States Since 1877 HIST 1302 United States History II
HIST 2301 World History to 1500 HIST 2311 Western Civilization I
HIST 2302 World History Since 1500 HIST 2312 Western Civilization II
IT 1303 Engineering Drawing I ENGR 1304 Engineering Graphics I
IT 2304 Photography ARTS 2356 Photography I (Fine Arts emphasis)
JOUR 2311 News Gathering and Writing I COMM 2311 Media Writing
MAS 2301 Introduction to Mexican- American Studies HUMA 1305 Introduction to Mexican- American Studies
MATH 1314 College Algebra MATH 1314 College Algebra
MATH 1316 Plane Trigonometry MATH 1316 Plane Trigonometry
MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning)
MATH 1342 Elementary Statistical Methods MATH 1342 Elementary Statistical Methods
MATH 2318 Linear Algebra MATH 2318 Linear Algebra
MATH 2413 Calculus I MATH 2413 Calculus I
MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2414 Calculus II
MUS 1116 Elementary Sight Singing & Ear Training I MUSI 1116 Sight Singing & Ear Training I
MUS 1117 Elementary Sight Singing & Ear Training II MUSI 1117 Sight Singing & Ear Training II
MUS 1181 Piano Class I MUSI 1181 Piano Class I
MUS 1303 Fundamentals of Music MUSI 1303 Fundamentals of Music
MUS 1311 Music Theory I MUSI 1311 Music Theory I
MUS 1312 Music Theory II MUSI 1312 Music Theory II
MUS 2116 Sight Singing & Ear Training III MUSI 2116 Sight Singing & Ear Training III
MUS 2311 Music Theory III MUSI 2311 Music Theory III
NRM 1301 Horticulture HORT 1301 Horticulture
NRM 2330 Wildlife Conservation & Management AGRI 2330 Wildlife Conservation & Management
KINE 1301 Introduction to Physical Fitness & Sport PHED 1301 Foundations of Kinesiology
KINE 1306 First Aid PHED 1306 First Aid
PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2306 Ethics PHIL 2306 Introduction to Ethics
PHIL 2303 Logic PHIL 2303 Introduction to Formal Logic
PHIL 2307 Introduction to Social & Political Philosophy PHIL 2307 Introduction to Social & Political Philosophy
PHIL 2316 Classical Philosophy PHIL 2316 Classical Philosophy
PHIL 2321 Philosophy of Religioin PHIL 2321 Philosophy of Religion
PHYS 1101 College Physics Lab I PHYS 1101 College Physics I (lab)
PHYS 1102 College Physics Lab II PHYS 1102 College Physics II (lab)
PHYS 1301 College Physics I PHYS 1301 College Physics I (lecture)
PHYS 1302 College Physics II PHYS 1302 College Physics II (lecture)
PHYS 2125 University Physics Lab I PHYS 2125 University Physics Lab I
PHYS 2126 University Physics Lab II PHYS 2126 University Physics Lab II
PHYS 2325 University Physics I PHYS 2325 University Physics I
PHYS 2326 University Physics II PHYS 2326 University Physics II
PS 2305 Federal Government GOVT 2305 Federal Government
PS 2306 State Government GOVT 2306 Texas Government
PSY 1302 Introduction to Psychology PSYC 2301 General Psychology
SOC 2303 Introduction to Sociology SOCI 1301 Introductory Sociology
SOC 2305 The Family SOCI 2301 Marriage & the Family
SPAN 1411 Beginning Spanish I SPAN 1411 Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 1412 Beginning Spanish II SPAN 1412 Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 2311 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 2311 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II
THEA 1120 Theatre Practicum I DRAM 1120 Theater Practicum I
THEA 1121 Theatre Practicum II DRAM 1121 Theater Practicum II
THEA 1310 Introduction to Theatre DRAM 1310 Introduction to Theater
THEA 1322 Stage Movement DRAM 1322 Stage Movement
THEA 1351 Acting I DRAM 1351 Acting I
THEA 2120 Theatre Practicum III DRAM 2120 Theater Practicum III
THEA 2121 Theatre Practicum IV DRAM 2121 Theater Practicum IV
THEA 2331 Stagecraft DRAM 2331 Stagecraft II
THEA 2336 Voice for the Theatre DRAM 2336 Voice for the Theater

Cumulative Grade Point Average

A student’s cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of GPA hours.

Declaring Majors, Minors, Concentrations, and Options

Students must declare an academic major by the time they earn 30 credit hours. Transfer students must declare an academic major within one semester of enrolling in the university.

Students who choose to pursue a minor or concentration must declare at least one academic semester prior to the semester in which they intend to graduate.


Minors are available in various fields of study. Normally, a minimum of 18 credit hours is required; of these, no more than 9 credits can be transfer credits.

Declaring a Minor

If a student desires to declare a minor, that declaration should be made before the completion of 90 credits. A student who intends to declare a minor should have confirmation from the appropriate department that it is possible to complete all courses. Full-time students should be able to complete all of the courses by the anticipated graduation semester without adding an unnecessary burden to the academic course load-for instance, having to exceed 18 credits in the fall or spring semesters.

SRSU reserves the right to decline a full-time student’s request to declare a particular major, second major, and/or a minor. This situation might occur when the student cannot complete the needed courses in accordance with university policies prior to the anticipated graduation date. Students must declare all majors/minors before their final semester to ensure completion.

Degree Requirements


In accordance with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), SRSU organizes undergraduate degree requirements into three categories: 1) General Education (Core) Requirements, 2) Other (elective or prescribed elective) requirements, and 3) Major requirements.

  • Texas Core Curriculum (TCC) is mandated by the Texas Higher Education College Board (THECB) and should generally be taken at the freshman and sophomore level. Specific requirements related to TCC courses are explained in more detail within the catalog.
  • Other coursework requirements vary according to the degree pursued. In general, courses in this category include college-specific requirements for the program of study, program-specific requirements for the program of study, and elective courses that serve as a prerequisite for other courses included in the major requirements of the selected program of study.
  • Major requirements comprise a minimum of 25% of the total credit hours required to complete the program of study although each program of study determines the number of credit hours required in this category. This category of degree requirements consists of a specified group of courses in a particular discipline(s) or field(s). A minimum of 50% of the courses included in the major discipline requirements must be at the 3000+ level. A minimum of 50% of the credit hours used to satisfy the major discipline requirements must be taken at SRSU.

Major requirements may include a concentration or option, depending on the specific program of study addressed. A concentration is an alternative track of courses within a major or option, accounting for at least 30% of the major requirements. An option is an alternative track of courses within a major, accounting for 50% to 80% of the major requirements. Specific requirements for the concentrations and/or options offered at SRSU may be found in the degree requirements explanation for a specific major.

Some degree programs of study include additional requirements such as satisfactory performance on one or more assessments, licensing examination scores, completion of an internship or capstone experience, or other elements included in the program. Specific requirements may be found in the appropriate section of the catalog describing a specific major.

Undergraduate Degree Plans

Official degree plans are maintained in Degree Works, a degree audit system that allows students and advisors to maintain an electronic degree plan that is automatically updated as requirements are met. Any change in the official plan (substitutions, waivers) will be permitted only on the basis of reasonable cause. All changes must be approved by the advisor, department chair, and the dean of the college. Any transfer work to be applied to degree requirements must comply with requirements specified under “transfer work”. If professional certification is desired, the student must also have the approval of the director of Teacher Education.

Degree Requirements - Student Responsibilities

Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the Undergraduate Catalog and satisfy all published degree requirements. Failure to do so does not provide a basis for exceptions to academic requirements or policies. Students will receive assistance from advisors, but students must assume full responsibility for completing published degree requirements.

Students must fulfill the following requirements:

  • The student must complete additional hours to total 120 semester credit hours.
  • A cumulative grade point average of 2.0, including a minimum of 2.0 in the major is required for graduation.
  • A minimum of thirty-six advanced semester hours must be completed, including at least fifteen in residence at Sul Ross State University.
  • A minimum of thirty semester hours must be completed in residence.
  • At least twenty-four semester hours of the last thirty hours presented for a degree must be in residence.
  • Under no circumstances may more than 65 of the total semester hours required for a degree be presented in one discipline.
  • No more than six semester hours of physical education activity courses may be presented as elective credit toward a degree.

Distance/Online Learning

Distance Learning is a formal educational process in which the majority of instruction (interaction between instructors and students) occurs when students and instructors are not in the same physical location. Distance Learning courses may employ the internet, broadcast, audio, video, or recordings. Instruction may be asynchronous or synchronous.

Asynchronous Learning uses online learning resources to facilitate instruction outside the constraints of time and location, meaning students may take courses to accommodate their busy schedules. Asynchronous course content at SRSU is available through Blackboard, a course management system (CMS). Online degree programs and courses are generally asynchronous.

Synchronous Learning refers to instruction that occurs at a designated class time through synchronous tools such as Blackboard, Adobe Connect, WebEx, Zoom, and Skype. Synchronous instruction requires students to attend online classes on a regular schedule.

To protect the integrity of its educational courses and programs, the University takes measures to ensure a student awarded academic credit is the same student who successfully completes course requirements. Students enrolled in any distance learning course may be required to participate in authentication methods such as a) secure login and pass code, b) proctored examinations, or c) new or other technologies and practices that are effective in verifying student identification. There may be additional charges associated with proctored examinations or other verification processes. If applicable, this authentication requirement and associated fees will be clearly stated on the course syllabus or registration materials.

Eligibility to Represent the University

No student will be permitted to represent the university unless she/he is classified as a full-time student. Students may participate as members, substitutes, or officers so long as they are enrolled for at least six semester hours unless otherwise indicated by a particular unit or organization. Organizations may include dramatic, literary, musical, or other types including student government.

Faculty-Directed Instruction

Direct instruction is defined as faculty lead or assigned activities that lead to student learning. This may include but is not limited to traditional lecture, facilitating seminars, giving feedback on individual or group projects, reflection/feedback of student work, feedback on group work, individual or group project feedback/facilitation, reviewing drafts of papers, or projects and other activities that engage the students in learning the material. This description will be noted in the course syllabus.

Online Courses

All distance education courses (i.e. online, hybrid, blended) align with the credit hour policies and definitions stated above. Distance education course learning objectives, assignments, and assessments are comparable to in-seat courses and require at least as many hours of study and provide the same rigor and, thus, result in the same credit hours awarded upon completion.

Application of Federal Credit-Hour Policy to SRSU Instruction

Accelerated Sessions: Courses offered within the standard semester in which the credit hours offered are the same as standard semester courses. The content and substantive learning outcomes are the same. These courses have the required 2250 contact minutes, and/or meet in hybrid or online format.

Lecture/Seminar: Course focuses on principles, concepts or ideas, lecture, discussion, and demonstration. A semester credit hour is earned for a minimum of fifteen, 50-minute sessions of direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of student preparation time outside of class per week throughout the semester. A typical three-credit hour course meets for three, 50-minute sessions or two, 75-minute sessions a week for at least fifteen weeks. Most lecture and seminar courses are awarded 3 credits.

Laboratory: Practical application courses where the major focus includes “hands on” experience to support student learning (use of equipment, activities, tools, machines generally found in a laboratory). 1- 2 Laboratory credits represent a minimum of 1 hour per week of lecture or discussion plus a minimum of 2 - 4 hours of scheduled supervised or independent laboratory work.

Internship/Field Experience: Courses developed for independent learning and the development and application of job related or practical skills in a particular discipline. These courses allow for observation, participation, and fieldwork, and are generally offered off campus. Internship time includes a combination of supervised time by approved experts outside the university, student assignments, and time supervised by a university instructor. A 3 credit internship equals a minimum of 150 hours.

Practicum/Student Teaching: Courses developed for independent learning and the development and application of job related or practical skills in a particular discipline. These courses allow for observation, participation, client evaluation, fieldwork, and are offered off campus. Internship time includes a combination of supervised time by approved experts outside the university, student assignments, and time supervised by a university instructor

Clinical Placement: Supervised experiences where students are afforded an opportunity to apply skills and techniques acquired from assessment and intervention-oriented course material. The number of hours varies by academic program based on clinical placement, accreditation requirements, site hour requirements, and student assignments.

Independent Study: Courses that permit a student to study a subject or topic in considerable depth beyond the scope of a regular course. Students meet periodically, as agreed upon with the faculty member for the duration of the course. University faculty provides guidance, criticism, and review of the student’s work. Students demonstrate competency through the completion of a final assessment either by submitting a final paper, project, or portfolio, etc. as required by the faculty member. Credit hours are assigned based on the amount of activity associated with the course, faculty supervision, and amount of student outside work. Credits conform to the standard minimum of 50 minutes of student work per credit hour, per week, for the course of the term or the semester. For a 15-week semester, this would be equal to 112.50 hours for a 3-credit independent study.

Hybrid: A course that is composed of both online learning and classroom learning to meet the learning objectives of the course is considered hybrid. In a hybrid course, approximately half of the course is scheduled as face-to-face, and 49% or less of the course is to be scheduled as online. For a three-credit 15-week course, up to 76.50 minutes (1.275 hours) a week are scheduled face-to-face and up to 73.50 minutes (1.225 hours) per a week are scheduled online equaling a total of 150 minutes of instruction per week.

Online: Approved online courses must demonstrate instruction and student learning through interactive methods to include tutorials, group discussions, virtual study/project groups, discussion boards, chat rooms, etc. Credits hours assigned to a course delivered online must equal the number of credit hour equivalency for the same course delivered face-to-face. Quality Matters standards for the design and delivery of online courses are used in online course development and faculty who teach online courses have been trained in online teaching pedagogy through quality matters.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Sul Ross State University has adopted institutional procedures in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), assuring the right of a student to review his or her educational records upon request. For more information, please inquire at the Center for Enrollment Services in Alpine, the assistant provost and dean in Uvalde at 830-279-3032, or the director of Admissions and Records in Eagle Pass at 830-758-5006.

Educational Records Defined

Education records are defined by FERPA 34 CFR 99.3 as follows:

  1. Educational records include those records that are:
    1. Directly related to a student; and
    2. Maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution.
  2. Educational records do not include:
    1. Records that are kept in the sole possession of the maker, are used only as a personal memory aid, and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a temporary substitute for the maker of the record.
    2. Records of the law enforcement unit of an educational agency or institution, subject to the provisions of § 99.8.
    3. (I) Records relating to an individual who is employed by an educational agency or institution, that:
      1. Are made and maintained in the normal course of business:
      2. Relate exclusively to the individual in that individual’s capacity as an employee; and
      3. Are not available for use for any other purpose.
    4. (II) Records relating to an individual in attendance at the agency or institution who is employed as a result of his or her status as a student are education records and not excepted under paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this definition.
    5. Records on a student who is 18 years of age or older, or is attending an institution of postsecondary education, that are:
      1. Made or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional acting in his or her professional capacity or assisting in a paraprofessional capacity;
      2. Made, maintained, or used only in connection with treatment of the student; and
      3. Disclosed only to individuals providing the treatment. For the purpose of this definition, ”treatment” does not include remedial educational activities or activities that are part of the program of instruction at the agency or institution; and
    6. Records created or received by an educational agency or institution after an individual is no longer a student in attendance and that are not directly related to the individual’s attendance as a student.
    7. Grades on peer-graded papers before they are collected and recorded by a teacher. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1232g(a)(4))

Confidentiality of Educational Records

Sul Ross State University has adopted procedures in compliance with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. The Act provides students the right to review their educational records upon request. To preserve strict confidentiality of records, the University does not permit access to or release of educational records or personal information, other than directory information, or without the written consent of the student.

Exceptions to this restriction are limited to the following:

  • Judicial subpoena of records, upon condition that the University makes a reasonable effort to notify the student in advance of the release of records.
  • Emergency situations, if knowledge of personal information is necessary to protect the health and safety of a student or other person(s).

Directory information is defined as:

Student’s name, permanent address and telephone number, Sul Ross email address, age, major field of study, dates of attendance, classification, enrollment status (full-time or parttime), participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, degrees, honors, and awards received (including university scholarships), and the most recent educational agency or institution attended.

Students may request that the university not release directory information by completing a Request for Non-Disclosure of Directory Information form. For more information regarding your privacy rights, contact the Center for Enrollment Services or the Office of Admissions and Records in Eagle Pass 830-758-5006.

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

In accordance with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB Act), Public law 106-102 (1999), Sul Ross State University protects the private non-public information of students and employees.

SRSU collects information such as:

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Social Security Number
  • Financial Status
  • Date and location of birth
  • Salary History
  • Driver’s License Numbers

SRSU’s policy is to identify and safeguard this information with the appropriate procedures to insure compliance with the GLB Act. SRSU manages private non-public information in accordance with all applicable state and federal guidelines relating to use, disclosure and retention of private non-public information.

Final Exam - Conflict Resolution

When a student is scheduled for more than one final examination in one exam period, the student may request rescheduling of one of the examinations through his/her Dean. If one of the exams is a group final exam, then attempts to reschedule non-group exams should be made first. The Dean, Department Chair, and faculty member will make every effort to accommodate the student when such a request is made. Final examinations for classes meeting at times other than those posted by The Registrar’s Office will be scheduled during the week of finals at a time agreed upon by the faculty member and students. The Registrar’s Office in conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs are the final authority should agreements not be reached at the departmental level.

First Year Seminar (Alpine Campus)

All new incoming students to Sul Ross State University with fewer than thirty semester credit hours (sch) are required to take SRSU 1101 First Year Seminar , or an equivalent course. SRSU 1101  is one semester credit hour. 

Students admitted into the College of Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences fill the requirement by completion of ANSC 1101  or NRM 1101 .

SRSU 1101  is taught by faculty and staff representing departments across campus and is designed to foster student success, development, and transition into, through and out of Sul Ross State University.

Students who transfer into Sul Ross State University may be exempt from meeting the first-year seminar requirement.

Students are exempt if:

  • They transfer 12 semester credit hours or more (excluding dual credit hours) and have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher;
  • They are 24 years of age or older and have never attended college, are also exempt from meeting the first-year seminar requirement.

If a student has taken an equivalent course at another university, e.g., College 101, University 101, the transferred course may be substituted for SRSU 1101 .

Full-Time Student

Any undergraduate student who registers for twelve or more semester credit hours in the University during a long semester is considered a full-time student. Any undergraduate student who registers for six or more semester credit hours during a summer term (summer I or summer II) is considered a full-time student.

Full-time graduate student information is found in the Graduate Information section of this Catalog.

General Education (Core) - Assessment

Educational assessment is the systematic collection, analysis, and use of data related to academic programs. The General Education Assessment is designed to measure the extent to which students have attained those competencies identified by the university. Data collected will be used for program improvement purposes rather than determination of individual student progression through a program of study. Participation in assessment activities related to general education goals is a requirement for all undergraduate students.

Grade Reports

The university reports grades at the end of each semester for all students. Only the grades reported at the end of the semester (final grades) are used in the computation of the student’s Grade Point Averages and Academic Standing. Mid-term grades may be given and are simply an indication of a student’s progress.

The university does not mail final grade reports. Students may access their grades through the student dashboard in mySRSU.

Graduation - General

The university awards degrees in May, August and December. Students must complete all degree requirements and apply for graduation by the published due date.

Graduation Requirements


A student must meet all the requirements for a degree in their catalog. A student is assigned their catalog (by year) corresponding to their acceptance to the university. All undergraduate degrees at SRSU require a minimum of 120 credits. A student who withdraws or is withdrawn from the institution (either voluntary or by compulsion), is assigned a new catalog (by year) upon readmission to the university. The catalog in force prior to withdrawal may be elected as allowed under current policy (see Catalog Year.) A student may elect to change their program of study/major at any time during their academic tenure. Students may not change their catalog, major, minor, concentration, or option in the term of their graduation.

There are several requirements which must be completed by all students prior to graduation.

The student must:

  1. Complete all academic requirements for a degree based on their catalog. This includes the Texas Core Curriculum (TCC) requirements, other requirements, and major or minor requirements of the program of study in which the student is enrolled;
  2. Attain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (note: some programs of study require a higher minimum cumulative grade point average or a minimum grade point average for the major requirements);
  3. Ascertain, through the college of the major, that her/his academic record is accurate and complete. This should be done not later than one semester prior to graduation;
  4. Submit a graduation application to the Registrar’s Office by the published deadline. The student will be required to make this formal application and state the exact name to appear on the diploma;
  5. Pay the graduation application fee. A student who has previously paid an application fee, but who failed to graduate at the time expected, must re-apply and pay the insert fee;
  6. Satisfy all assessment requirements associated with the student’s program of study;
  7. Satisfy all financial indebtedness to the university prior to graduation; and
  8. Complete an exit interview for financial aid, if applicable.

A student who does not follow and complete the above requirements and procedures will not be allowed to graduate.

Graduation - Application

Alpine: Applications to graduate must be submitted to the registrar. Forms are available online at www.sulross.edu/registrar. A student is expected to submit an application for graduation by the application deadline or before the final semester of enrollment and pay applicable fees. Students who are not able to complete degree requirements as planned will resubmit the application during the semester or summer term in which they expect to graduate. The university calendar at the front of this catalog should be consulted for the graduation application deadlines.

RGC: Forms may be obtained from the dean’s office of Rio Grande College or any of the Business Services offices at any of the three sites or online under Forms and Downloads. A diploma fee of $30.00 is required. A student is expected to submit an application for graduation during the semester preceding the final semester of enrollment. Students who are not able to complete degree requirements as planned will re-submit the application during the semester or summer term at the end of which they expect to graduate. Applications which must be re-submitted require a $5.00 diploma insert fee. The university calendar at the front of this catalog should be consulted for a specific deadline for applying to graduate. Students applying after the posted deadline for application in the academic calendar must also pay a $25.00 late application fee.

Note: ALL undergraduate students may not apply for graduation if the core curriculum requirements are not completed one semester prior to the semester in which the student plans to graduate. Official transcripts must be sent to Sul Ross RGC for all courses taken at other colleges or universities.


Commencement ceremonies for the awarding of degrees to candidates are held at the end of the spring semester and at the end of the fall semester on the dates listed in the university calendar. Students graduating in August may participate in the December commencement exercise. Graduates are expected to participate in commencement. Information and instructions concerning commencement will be e-mailed to each candidate prior to graduation. Please see the graduation and commencement page for additional details.

Graduation with Honors

Those seeking a baccalaureate degree and who compile outstanding academic records receive special recognition at graduation. Each student receiving a degree conferred Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Summa Cum Laude will receive a gold cord, which symbolizes academic excellence. In addition, this recognition will be recorded on the transcript. The distinction and corresponding grade point averages are Cum Laude - 3.50 to 3.69; Magna Cum Laude - 3.70 to 3.89; Summa Cum Laude - 3.90 to 4.00.

Graduation with honors is based on the student’s cumulative grade point average for work completed at SRSU and all other institutions the student attended.

Minimum Requirements for Additional Baccalaureate Degree(s)

A student who holds one baccalaureate degree from Sul Ross State University or from any college or university that is a member of a regional accrediting association may receive additional baccalaureate degree(s) by completing the following requirements:

  1. A minimum of thirty-three additional semester hours, including twenty-four semester hours of advanced work in residence.
  2. Completion of requirements in the major subject field, including a minimum of eighteen semester hours of advanced work.
  3. Completion of all requirements of the degree sought as determined by the appropriate academic department.
  4. Completion of the core curriculum if not completed with the first degree.

Requirements for Dual Bachelor’s Degree

If two bachelor’s degrees are conferred simultaneously, the student must meet the requirements for both degrees and complete a minimum of 33 hours beyond the requirements of a single degree.

Students who wish to earn two baccalaureate degrees at SRSU simultaneously may do so, provided the majors have different degree designations (e.g., Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, etc.) and they:

  1. Complete all requirements for both degrees;
  2. Meet all quality point average and grade requirements applicable to both degrees;
  3. Develop degree plans with both colleges if the two degrees being sought are in different colleges;
  4. Meet the requirement for each degree Major (typically, the last 30 or 25% of the earned credits must be taken at SRSU - students should check with their college for specific requirements); and
  5. Students cannot declare a minor in the area in which the other baccalaureate is being earned.

Applications to graduate must be submitted to each college conferring a degree and degree audits must be performed by each. Graduation will occur only when the student has completed requirements for both degrees. Students completing two bachelor’s degrees will receive two diplomas. The student must complete a dual degree application form available from the Center for Enrollment Services.

Students who have already earned one baccalaureate degree may not elect the dual degree option. They may instead seek a second and third baccalaureate degree. See “Requirements for Additional Baccalaureate Degree(s)” in this catalog.

Requirements for a Double Major

A student who fulfills the specified requirements for two different major fields authorized under a single degree has completed a double major and will receive a single diploma. An example of a single degree with a double major is the Bachelor of Science degree with a double major in Kinesiology and Biology. If both majors are not authorized under the same degree, the student would seek a dual bachelor’s degree - not a double major.

The student must elect the second major by completing the change of information form available from the Center for Enrollment Services.

Graduation Requirements - Residency

A transfer student or a student who enters with advanced standing from another university and becomes a candidate for a bachelor’s degree at SRSU must earn at least 30 credit hours required for the degree through instruction offered by the university. A minimum of 50 percent of the courses included in the major discipline requirements in a SRSU program of study must be taken at SRSU. No credit earned at a community or junior college may be used for credit at the 3000* or 4000 course level. Additional restrictions may apply.

* a course specifically designed as part of an Official Articulation or Memorandum of Understanding between institutions may be applied to an upper-level course requirement but will not satisfy upper-level credit requirements.

Graduation Requirements - Substitutions and Waivers of Degree Requirements

Articulated courses from other institutions for which there are established articulation agreements are not accrued against the total number of allowed substitutions or waivers. Articulated courses are established equivalencies to SRSU’s courses and therefore meet program requirements without accrual toward substitution or waiver limitations.

A substitution is defined as a course that is outside of the prescribed curricula that is used to substitute for a course that is within the prescribed curricula. At SRSU, no more than five (5) courses may be substituted at the major level within a prescribed curriculum.

A waiver is defined as an exception to a required program of study component. In addition, some programs of study require external benchmarks such as meeting a minimum score on a required test and/or other courses or series of courses to satisfy a particular learning objective. Students are encouraged to discuss any deviation of prescribed coursework with their advisor. Waivers of degree requirements must be approved by the academic advisor, the dean of the college, and the provost. A waiver does not waive credit-hour requirements toward total credits required for graduation (e.g., 120).

Lower Division Courses

Lower division courses are those courses at SRSU taught primarily at the freshman and sophomore level. These courses are generally identified in the course numbering rubric as ‘1000’ or ‘2000’ level.

Matriculant Status

A matriculant is a student who has been officially admitted by the university as a candidate for an academic credential. Matriculants are guaranteed SRSU will provide the courses they are required to fulfill the requirements for the credential. In order to maintain matriculant status a student must complete academic coursework. The catalog (Catalog Year) in effect when a student matriculates contains the policies and requirements under which the student must satisfy graduation requirements.

Maximum and Minimum Work

The maximum number of hours, which may be attempted, include all semester hours attempted at all institutions, including resident courses at Sul Ross and at other institutions.

The university may refuse to accept transfer credits that are earned from other institutions while simultaneously enrolled at Sul Ross if the combined total semester hours exceed the number allowed.

One Long Semester

The maximum student load for a fall or spring semester for undergraduate students who are not on probation is twenty-one semester hours, including one-hour courses.

Summer Session

The maximum course load for an undergraduate student is 12 total semester hours for the summer term. No more than eight semester hours can be earned in either session A or session B within the full term.

Excessive hours in any term must be recommended by the student’s advisor and approved by the department chair and college dean.

Maximum course loads for graduate students is found in the Graduate Information section of this catalog.

Maximum Time Towards Degree on Catalog

The maximal period of time for which the provisions of any catalog may be considered valid is 6 years. Students who began a degree program six or more years prior to the date of their anticipated graduation must consult their academic dean to determine which catalog must be followed.

Military Service Mobilization/Activation

SRSU is committed to supporting its students qualifying for institutional services because of mobilization or activation. Students called to active duty or mobilized for any reason should contact the Registrar’s Office (even if they aren’t receiving VA benefits) for information and further instruction.


A minor is that part of a degree program which consists of a specified group of courses in a particular discipline or field, consisting of a minimum of 15% or more of total hours required in the program of study. A minimum of 50% of the courses included in the minor requirements must be at the 3000+ level. A minimum of 50% of the credit hours used to satisfy the minor requirements must be taken at SRSU.

Quality Enhancement Plan

As a requirement for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, SRSU/RGC implemented a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) for the students who began in 2018-2019. Faculty, staff, and students worked to develop our QEP that focuses on building students’ communication skills through courses that incorporate instruction on writing, oral, and visual strategies. These courses are designated as Mapped Courses, and they are open for junior and senior students.


Registration - General

New students plan their courses and register in consultation with an academic advisor prior to the beginning of their first semester. New part-time students must make an appointment with their academic advisor to obtain information on the program of study they plan to pursue and have transfer credits reviewed.

A student’s SRSU email account is the primary vehicle for communicating administrative or transactional information to students. The registration deadline is usually one week prior to the opening of classes each term. Currently enrolled students have an early registration period toward the close of each semester for the following term. Registration must be performed online via the student dashboard in mySRSU.

Tuition and fees must be paid. A complete bill is available to each student via the student dashboard in mySRSU. It is imperative students check their SRSU email regularly for reminders regarding tuition and fee payment deadlines or other information regarding dates for payment, registration, drop/add, withdrawal, or graduation. Payment of tuition and fees is due approximately one week before classes begin each term. SRSU offers multiple payment plans and students are encouraged to contact the Business Office to discuss options.

No one may register/enroll in any enrollment period after the official registration period indicated in the university calendar. No student will be permitted to remain in class unless the instructor has received evidence of proper registration (which includes payment).

Registration - Adding Courses for Credit

Courses may be added for credit only during registration (drop/add) period for a given term. Students are required to monitor the official university academic calendar for all dates surrounding registration changes and charges associated with these changes.

Registration Concurrent Registration

A student registered at SRSU may not automatically receive degree credit at SRSU for any work taken concurrently at another college or university or by correspondence study. Any work taken concurrently at another college or university would be subject to SRSU’s transfer articulation policies and evaluation criteria. Students are strongly encouraged to check with their academic advisor before enrolling for credit at another college, university, or through correspondence study.

Registration - Dropping Courses

Courses may be “dropped” during the registration, drop/add period for a given term. Students are required to monitor the official academic calendar regarding scheduling dates and their particular access to registration via the student dashboard. Students should be aware there are differing dates and associated fees for registration actions (adding vs. dropping). Please consult the catalog for charges associated with dropping and adding courses.

Students should be aware there could be financial aid implications for dropping a course. Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Financial Aid before dropping courses.

Students will not be allowed to drop a course after the published end date. Students who fail to drop courses by the published final date for such action will be retained on the class rolls even though they may be absent for the remainder of the semester.

A student may be dropped, at the discretion of the dean of the college, from any course for which the student is ineligible.

Failure to attend class does not constitute a course drop. Withdrawn courses reduce a student’s enrolled hours, but not the student’s financial obligation (see section on withdrawal from the university).

Students are strongly encouraged to review the ‘Six Drop Rule’ as mandated by the State of Texas and outlined later in this document.

Requirements for All First-Time Full-Time Freshman

All first-time full-time freshmen are required to enroll and successfully pass SRSU 1101  or equivalent during their first year of enrollment.

All students are required to be advised by their academic advisor before registration in a succeeding term. Students are encouraged to meet with their advisor at their earliest convenience.

Penalty for Non-Payment of Tuition and Fees

Students who do not complete payment of tuition and fees by the date specified each semester may be withdrawn from the class at the discretion of the Business Office.

Non-payment is not a means of dropping a class. Re-registration is possible before class begins or during the drop/add period, on a space available basis, with payment of an additional registration fee.

Change of Registration - Exceptions

Changes in registration/enrollment must be made before the end of the drop/add period. Once the drop/add period is complete, students may not add a course or change sections of the same course.

To withdraw from a course after the drop/add period, the student must do so by completing a Course Withdrawal Form. The completed form is filed with the Registrar’s Office. The deadline for withdrawing from a course is published in the academic calendar. Students who stop attending class and do not officially withdraw will be assigned a grade of “FX” and are financially responsible for the full tuition charged for the course.

Students should visit the financial aid office before dropping courses or before they withdraw from their last course in any term. It is the student’s responsibility to follow financial aid guidelines.

Schedule Changes

Courses may be added during the regular and late registration periods for the term. Courses may be dropped through the last day to drop a course. Courses dropped through the official Census date for the term do not appear on the student’s permanent record. Courses dropped after the official census date for the term through the last day to drop a course will be assigned a grade of “W” or “WX” (refer to the Six Drop Rule in this catalog for more information). No courses may be dropped after the published last day to drop or withdraw.

Dropping all classes on or after the first day of a term is considered a withdrawal. An official withdrawal form must be completed and submitted to the Center for Enrollment Services in Alpine or the Office of Admissions and Records, RGC.

Withdrawal prior to the official census date for the term will result in no academic record for the term. A withdrawal after the official census date for the term through the last day to withdraw will result in the creation of an academic record; all classes will be reported with a grade of “W”. Requests for withdrawal will not be processed after the published last day to withdraw.

Schedule change and withdrawal forms be found online at: www.sulross.edu/registrar.

Dates for registration periods, official census dates, and last day to drop or withdraw are published on the university’s calendar at www.sulross.edu. The refund policy for dropped courses and withdrawals may be found in this catalog and online at www.sulross.edu.


Please see Graduation Requirements - Residency.

Residency for Tuition

The determination of residency classification for tuition purposes is governed by statutes enacted by the Texas Legislature and rules and regulations promulgated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Rules are available at www.collegeforalltexans.com.

A student or applicant is classified either as a resident of Texas, a non-resident, or a foreign student for tuition purposes. An individual’s residency classification is based on information from his or her admission application.

If an applicant or student is classified as a non-resident and wishes to be considered for reclassification as a resident, the Residency Core Questions must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Documentation may be requested by the institution in order to resolve issues raised by the information provided in response to the Residency Core Questions.

It is the duty of each student to register under the proper residency classification and pay the appropriate tuition and fees. If there is any possible question whether or not a student qualifies as a resident of Texas, he or she should consult with the Registrar in the Center for Enrollment Services at (432) 837-8049 or Box C-2, Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas, 79832.

Six Drop Rule

Students Who Were Enrolled in an Undergraduate Program at a Texas Public College or University Before Fall 2007: The grade of “W” is given for courses dropped after the official census date for the term through the last day to drop a course with a “W” as published in the University’s calendar.

Students who wait until the published deadline must have complied with the class attendance policy of this catalog. An instructor is not obligated to recommend a “W” for a class if excessive absences have occurred. Students will not be permitted to drop a course or withdraw from the University after the published deadline.

Students Who Enroll in an Undergraduate Program at a Texas Public College or University Beginning Fall 2007 and Thereafter: Students who began an undergraduate program in Fall 2007 or later at any Texas public college or university are not allowed to drop more than six courses without penalty as long as they are enrolled in any such undergraduate program. This includes courses transferred from another public institution of higher education in Texas begun in Fall 2007 or after. College credit taken while enrolled in high school and below college credit courses do not count toward the total of six courses.

Any student who drops a course after the official census date of the term will receive a grade of “WX”. A student who drops a course and who has reached a total of six “WX” grades (including those transferred from other Texas public institutions) will receive a grade of “F” for all future drops.

Any course taught on a shortened format or between regularly scheduled terms will have add/drop, “WX” grade and withdrawal dates proportionally the same as if the course were offered in a regular term. These dates will be determined by the Center for Enrollment Services.

Unusual circumstances may be considered if the student can show good cause for dropping more than the allowed limit of six courses, including but not limited to:

  1. a severe illness or other debilitating condition that affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete the course;
  2. the student’s responsibility for the care of a sick, injured, or needy person if the provision of that care affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete the course;
  3. the death of a person who is considered to be a member of the student’s family who is otherwise considered to have a sufficiently close relationship to the student that the person’s death is considered to be a showing of good cause;
  4. the active duty service as a member of the Texas National Guard or the armed forces of the United States of either the student or a person who is considered to be a member of the student’s family or who is otherwise considered to have a sufficiently close relationship to the student that the person’s active military service is considered to be a showing of good cause;
  5. the change of the student’s work schedule that is beyond the control of the student, and that affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete the course;
  6. the loss of transportation causing the student a hardship with the commute to the campus;
  7. the loss of child care that necessitates student to remain at home with dependent children; or,
  8. the lack of financial resources to meet requirements of course (supplies, travel, etc.).

If an appeal for unusual circumstance is approved, the student will receive a grade of “W” for the course. The decision of the Registrar shall be final. Courses in which a grade of “W” is approved will not be counted in the six total limits.

Statute of Limitations

In the absence of any designated time limits in documents on policies or procedures, the University imposes a time limit of one year for the initiation of any request for an exception to its rules or regulations.

Student Handbook

The Sul Ross State University Student Handbook is an official student policy. The SRSU Student Handbook describes what is expected of a student with respect to behavior and conduct in the SRSU community and outlines the procedures to be followed when these expectations are not met. The Student Handbook includes the Code of Student Conduct as well as other rules, regulations, and policies governing student life.

Student Identification Card

Each student is issued a permanent identification card, including a photograph, and a student number. This card will be used for the entire duration of the student’s enrollment at the University. The card is required for borrowing library books, cashing personal checks, admittance to athletic and social events, selling used textbooks, Testing Services, meal plans, entrance into university buildings - including residence halls, and other official purposes. Fraudulent use of the ID card is a violation of the Honor Code and will result in disciplinary action. The card is issued to the individual student and must not be loaned to another person for any reason. Any University official having just cause has the right to request that a student show the identification card for identification purposes. Upon such a request by a University official, the student is required to comply.

Student Status and Course Load - Full-Time/Part-Time Status

Full-time status requires an undergraduate student carry a minimum of 12 credits. The normal course load for a full-time student is 15-18 credits during the fall and spring terms.

Students are limited to a maximum course load of twelve credits during the summer term.

Students carrying 11 credits or fewer are part-time.

Term/Semester Grade Point Average

A student’s semester/term grade point average (TGPA) is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned in the semester by the total number of GPA hours attempted in the semester.

Texas Success Initiative

Texas law requires institutions of higher education to assess the academic skills of each entering undergraduate student to determine the student’s readiness to enroll in freshman-level academic course work. The assessment or the results of the assessment may not be used as a condition of admission to the institution.

Sul Ross State University utilizes the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA), an assessment instrument approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board that is diagnostic in nature and designed to assess a student’s readiness to perform freshman-level academic course work.

Sul Ross State University has established a program to advise students regarding course work and other means by which students can develop the academic skills required to successfully complete college-level work.

If a student fails to meet the assessment standards, Sul Ross State University will work with the student to develop a plan to assist the student in becoming ready to perform freshman-level academic course work. Plans are designed on an individual basis to provide the best opportunity for each student to attain that readiness.

Sul Ross State University may refer a student to pre-college course work as considered necessary to address a student’s deficiencies in readiness to perform freshman-level academic course work. We will not require enrollment in developmental course work with respect to a student previously determined by any institution of higher education to have met college readiness standards.

A student who has achieved certain minimum scores on the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), the American College Test (ACT), the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), or the STARR end-of-course exams may be exempt from these requirements.

The Texas Success Initiative does not apply to:

  1. a student who has graduated with an associate or baccalaureate degree from an institution of higher education;
  2. a student who transfers to an institution of higher education from a private or independent institution of higher education or an accredited out-of-state institution of higher education and who has satisfactorily completed college-level coursework;
  3. a student who is enrolled in a certificate program of one year or less (Level-One certificates, 42 or fewer semester credit hours or the equivalent) at a public junior college, a public technical institute, or a public state college;
  4. a student who is serving on active duty as a member of:
    1. the armed forces of the United States; or
    2. the Texas National Guard
  5. a student who is currently serving as and, for at least the three-year period preceding enrollment, has served as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States; or
  6. a student who on or after August 1, 1990, was honorably discharged, retired, or released from:
    1. active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the Texas National Guard; or
    2. b. service as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States
  7. a non-degree-seeking or non-certificate-seeking student.

The Academic Support Center professional advisors determine placement for TSI development courses utilizing an Individual Education Plan.

For additional information on who must participate in the Texas Success Initiative, prospective students should contact The Academic Support Center or the Career Services and Testing Office at Sul Ross State University.

Transfer Credit Policy

Official Transcripts

In order to be accepted by Sul Ross State University, transfer credit must be presented on official transcript(s) sent directly from the transfer institution to Sul Ross State University by a secure method. Encrypted/digitally certified PDF transcripts will be accepted but only if originating from the sending institution or their designated provider and the file has not been accessed or opened by any other party. Any transcript (paper or electronic format) received directly from the student will not be accepted for purposes of credit articulation but may be used by Enrollment Services in the admissions-decision process. Credit may be temporarily articulated for students admitted with unofficial transcripts so that the student may be properly advised. Such credit will be removed from the student record if an official transcript is not received by the second week of the term.

Transfer Credit-Undergraduate, General

All collegiate-level academic courses (excluding developmental, remedial, vocational/technical, continuing education, or lifelong learning courses) attempted at a regionally accredited U.S. college or university will be transferred. Sul Ross reserves the right to accept courses taken at U.S. schools other than regionally accredited colleges or universities and from colleges or universities outside of the U.S. Students who attended a college or university outside the U.S. must provide official transcripts for those institutions to SpanTran: The Evaluation Company.

A minimum of 30 semester hours, or 25% of the semester credit hours required for a degree must be completed in residence. No more than 90 total transfer hours may be applied to a degree.

Grades received on transfer credit are used in the calculation of the student’s overall GPA.

Transfer Credit-Undergraduate Degree Requirements

Applicability of transferred courses to degree course requirements is determined by the following:

  1. In accordance with Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board rules Sul Ross State University has identified each lower-division course that is substantially equivalent to an academic course listed in the current edition of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual. To facilitate the transfer of these courses, Sul Ross participates in the Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS).
  2. Course equivalencies as described in articulation agreements.
  3. If neither of the above conditions apply, the admissions office will consult with appropriate departments and faculty to determine equivalencies. Courses with no equivalent to Sul Ross courses are transferred as “non-equivalent.”
  4. Non-equivalent courses may be applied to degree requirements by individual departments and colleges, using the formal substitution process.
  5. Departments can substitute credit earned at a community college (a lower division course) for an advanced division course requirement. However, a lower division course may not be articulated as an upper-division course and may not be used to meet advanced credit requirements.
  6. Undergraduate courses taken elsewhere that may count toward teacher certification are evaluated by the certification staff in the Department of Education.

Transfer Credit-Undergraduate, Advanced Hour Requirement

A minimum of 36 advanced semester hours must be completed, including at least 15 in residence at Sul Ross State University. Courses taken at community colleges do not satisfy the advanced hours requirement.

If the degree requires more than 36 advanced hours, the department or college can require that transfer students complete the total number of advanced hours for the degree.

Transfer Dispute Resolution

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has established guidelines for resolving transfer disputes between Texas colleges and universities. These guidelines are designed to facilitate the transfer of lower division courses and to clarify for students what their rights and responsibilities are as potential transfer students. Specifically excluded are courses designated as ESL/ESOL, technical, developmental, or remedial.

Lower division credit is defined as those courses offered in the first two years of college study which:

  1. are identified by a majority of public four-year undergraduate institutions in the state as courses intended to comprise the first two years of college study,
  2. stress development of disciplinary knowledge and skill at an introductory level, and,
  3. includes basic principles and verbal, mathematical, and scientific concepts associated with an academic discipline.

Upper division credit is defined as those courses offered only in the third or fourth years of a baccalaureate program which

  1. are identified by a majority of public four-year undergraduate institutions in the state as courses intended to comprise the third and fourth years of post-secondary study,
  2. involve theoretical or analytical specialization beyond the introductory level, or,
  3. requires knowledge and skills provided by previous courses for successful performance.

The Coordinating Board has also provided for a state-wide appeal procedure concerning the evaluation of transfer credit. This appeal must be filed within 15 calendar days after the SRSU evaluation has been made available to the student through the student dashboard in mySRSU. Before filing the appeal, the student must complete the on-campus transfer dispute resolution process.

A student with a question regarding the evaluation of transfer credit should immediately direct the question to the Office of the Registrar. If, after research by articulation staff, the problem resolution results in a change to the evaluation, the evaluation will be adjusted, and the student will have the updated evaluation made available to them via LoboOnline. If the evaluation is appropriate as originally prepared, articulation staff will explain to the student how the credit was determined. If the question is one of degree applicability rather than transferability, the student will be directed to the appropriate academic dean.

Resolution”) must be completed to initiate dispute action. This appeal must be filed within 15 calendar days after the SRSU evaluation has been submitted to the student. Forms are available in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Office, at the Office of the Registrar on the Alpine campus, and Admissions and Records at RGC. Assistance in completing the form will be available in any of those offices.

If the dispute involves the transfer of credits to Sul Ross, the form must be completed by the appropriate official at the institution where the credit was earned and by the Registrar at Sul Ross. Disputes that are not resolved by the institutions involved within 45 days after written notice of denial will be forwarded to the Commissioner of Higher Education for resolution.

Sul Ross students who have difficulty having SRSU credit accepted at another Texas public institution should contact the Registrar at Sul Ross for initiation of the transfer dispute resolution process.

Transcript of Record

Registrar’s Office. Release of these records is protected by FERPA. Transcripts of the academic record may be secured by the individual personally or will be released on the student’s written authorization. Transcripts cannot be issued until the student or former student has settled all financial obligations to the University and has submitted all required transcripts from other colleges attended.

Transcript Services

Online Ordering Services

Printed hard copy transcripts, electronic transcripts, and FedEx delivery service are all available online through Parchment. Visit https://www.sulross.edu/registrar/transcript-requests/ for ordering instructions.

Federal Express delivery is only available when placing an online order. E-Transcript and first-class mail delivery is also available. Credit or debit cards are accepted for payment.

Free Transcripts

A Publications and Records fee was approved and assessed to all students beginning in the fall 2004 term. If you attended Sul Ross fall 2004 or later, you paid this fee and are entitled to two free paper transcripts per term in which the fee was paid. You must request your free transcript(s) in writing using the paper transcript request form. There are no “rush” options available for free paper transcripts. Processing and delivery via USPS may take up to two weeks.

Free paper transcripts are printed in either Alpine or Eagle Pass. Paper transcripts can be given to the student (valid photo ID required) or delivered by first-class mail.

Federal Express delivery is only available when placing an online order through Parchment. Students are responsible for providing the correct delivery address.

Undergraduate Students in Graduate Courses

Undergraduate students with good academic standing may enroll for graduate credit if they meet these criteria:

  1. They are within 12 hours of graduation.
  2. Their total course load does not exceed 15 semester hours in the regular session, or six semester hours in each summer term,
  3. They have the written permission of (a) their major advisor, (b) the instructor of each course involved, and (c) the dean of the college at the time of registration.

Students should be aware of the following conditions:

  1. Under no circumstances may graduate courses be taken to fulfill requirements for a baccalaureate degree.
  2. No course taken without the requisite permission may be counted for graduate credit toward a degree.
  3. There is no guarantee that work approved and completed will be accepted for fulfillment of degree requirements.
  4. The maximum number of graduate semester hours that an undergraduate may accrue is 12.

University Closures

If the university must close due to unexpected circumstances, faculty and students will have to make up missed class and laboratory time. In some circumstances resulting in closure of the university, the provost will determine how classes will be made up. In other circumstances, the methods for making up missed classes and laboratories will be with extra assignments and readings, additional days of class or laboratory, additional class time, or in other manners to be determined.

University Discipline

Sul Ross State University expects of its students a high degree of honor in all phases of college life. It is the responsibility of all students to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations governing student conduct as published whether in print or on the web, in the SRSU Student Handbook and other official publications.

The authority structure for administrating the judicial code is the president, through the vice president for Student Life. Please refer to the section on Judicial and Student Assistance in this catalog and to the SRSU Student Handbook for more details.

University Success (SRSU Course)

SRSU 1101  or equivalent is a letter-graded course required for all first time full time freshman. Students will meet in groups led by an experienced faculty or staff member for an in-depth review of skills and issues relevant to academic and personal success at the university. Topics include time management, effective note-taking and test preparation, campus diversity, and university resources. Enrollment is restricted to students with less than 30 hours of credit only. Enrollment is optional for transfer students within their 30 hours of credit at SRSU.

Upper Division Courses

Upper Division Courses are those courses at SRSU taught primarily at the junior and senior level. These courses are generally identified in the course numbering rubric as ‘3000’ or ‘4000’ level.

Veteran Education Benefits Recipients

Sul Ross State University serves those students who are eligible to receive educational benefits from the Veterans Administration. Records are maintained and reports made to the Veterans Administration on behalf of veterans, dependents, active-duty servicemen, and eligible reservists enrolled in the University.

Students eligible to receive educational benefits from the Veteran’s Administration must inform the veteran’s certifying official at each registration to insure prompt certification of enrollment. In addition to receiving the academic advisor’s approval of the course schedule, these students should also confer with the veteran’s certifying official prior to registration concerning certification of the courses.

The veteran’s certifying official should also be notified of any changes in the schedule at any time during the registration period.

Students eligible to receive educational benefits from the Veterans Administration must also have on file in the Center for Enrollment Services a degree plan by the end of the first semester of enrollment at the university.

Veterans who were legal Texas residents prior to their enlistment and who have resided in Texas at least twelve months after their discharge from the service may be eligible to enroll under the Hazelwood Act which exempts them from paying tuition. Under this act, the veteran is required to pay local specified fees. For more information, contact the veteran’s certifying official at (432) 837-8050 in Alpine or at (830) 703-4816 in Del Rio.

Any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits will be allowed to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 (a “certificate of eligibility” can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website - eBenefits, or a VAF 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes) and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  1. The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution.
  2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.

Sul Ross will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any student because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of funds from VA under chapter 31 or 33.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

Withdrawal from the University for a Term

The university reserves the right to request at any time the withdrawal of a student for reasons of poor scholarship or unsatisfactory conduct or non-attendance. Students who voluntarily withdraw from the university must submit a withdrawal form.

Withdrawal after the official census date of the term will result in an academic record and will preserve your eligibility to enroll in the next term. Withdrawal prior to the official census date will result in no academic record for the term and will NOT preserve your eligibility to enroll in the subsequent term; a new application for admission will be required.

Failure to attend classes does not constitute a withdrawal. Withdrawal eliminates a student’s enrolled hours, but not the student’s financial obligations.

Caution: Withdrawing from courses may have an adverse effect on financial aid, scholarships, loan deferments, athletic eligibility, health insurance, veteran’s benefits, degree requirements, or other areas. Students considering course drops or withdrawal should first check with their advisor, College, and Enrollment Services to determine if this is their best option.