Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog

Tuition and Course/Lab Fees

All students will pay, by the due dates specified in the class-schedule bulletin, the required tuition and fees based on the number of semester credit hours for which they register. Required tuition and fees for each semester of the 2023-2024 academic year may be obtained in the Cashier’s Office in Alpine or in the Business Services Offices in Del Rio, Eagle Pass, and Uvalde. Laboratory and individual instruction fees will be in addition to these amounts. Tuition and fees may differ between Alpine and Del Rio, Eagle Pass, and Uvalde due to the services provided at the campuses.

Resident Student Tuition

The State tuition for students classified as residents of the State of Texas during 2023-2024 is $50 per semester hour.

Non-Resident Tuition

Tuition for a student who is classified as a non-resident student is equal to the cost of attending a state university in Texas as determined annually by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. For 2023-24, this amount is $458 per semester credit hour. See Residence Status in this catalog.

Board Authorized Tuition- Graduate Programs

Section 54.008 of the Education Code provides authority for the governing board to set state tuition for graduate programs at higher rates than the minimum tuition required by the chapter. Board authorized tuition is set at $12 per school for graduate courses.

Animal Science Lab Fee $8.00
Application Fee $25.00
Audit Fee (per course) * $50.00
*Permission must be obtained from the instructor of the course to be audited and from the Center for Enrollment Services prior to paying this fee. In addition, conditions under academic regulations in the University Catalog apply.
Biology Lab Fee $8.00
Chemistry Lab Fee $8.00
Education (Student Teaching/Internship/Practicum Fee) $100.00-300.00
Education Block l, ll and lll Course Fee $35.00
Field Schools $175.00-1,800.00
Geology Lab Fee $8.00
Housing Application Fee $50.00
Industrial Technology Lab Fee $15.00-20.00
Mediated Math $75.00

1 Hour Private Lesson


2 Hour Private Lesson

Natural Resource Management Lab Fee $8.00
Online Learning per SCH (Includes waiver of certain fees for 100% online students) $52.00 
Physics Lab Fee $8.00
Safety Education (Driver Training) $15.00

Tuition and fees presented herein are estimates and are subject to change by the Texas Legislature and/or the Board of Regents, Texas State University System.

Residency for Tuition

The determination of residency classification for tuition purposes is governed by statutes enacted by the Texas Legislature and rules and regulations promulgated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Rules are available at www.collegeforalltexans.com.

A student or applicant is classified as either a resident of Texas, a non-resident, or a foreign student for tuition purposes. An individual’s residency classification is based on information from his or her admission application.

If an applicant or student is classified as a non-resident and wishes to be considered for reclassification as a resident, the Residency Core Questions must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar. Documentation may be requested by the institution in order to resolve issues raised by the information provided in response to the Residency Core Questions. It is the duty of each student to register under the proper residency classification and pay the appropriate tuition and fees. If there is any possible question whether or not a student qualifies as a resident of Texas, he or she should consult with the university registrar in the Center for Enrollment Services at (432) 837-8049 or Box C-2, Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas, 79832.

Optional Fees and Deposits

Optional Fees (All optional fees and deposits are due and payable in FULL at which time the service is rendered or contracted):

American College Testing Program Test Residual Administration (ACT)* Contact Testing Center
CLEP Advance Standing Examination fee (per exam) Contact Testing Center
Correspondence Exam Fee Contact Testing Center
*This fee is subject to change in accordance with requirements of the American College Testing Program and is for administering the test on campus.
Diploma Insert Fee $5.00

Property Deposit (refundable)

Graduation, by deadline $30.00
Graduation, after deadline $55 00
Installment Fee $25.00
Late Registration Fee $125.00
Music Instrument Deposit $10.00
Music Instrument Rental $10.00
Non-SRSU Graduate $25.00
Orientation Fee (new students) $125.00
Parking Fee (all faculty, staff, and students who expect to operate a vehicle on university property):  

Yearly (September 1- August 31)


Summer (May 31 - August 31)

Post Office Box Rental (per semester) $6.00

Fees and deposits are subject to change by the Board of Regents, Texas State University System.

If a student fails to make full payment of tuition and fees, including any incidental fees, by the due date, he/she may be prohibited from registering for any classes until full payment is made. A student who fails to make full payment prior to the end of the semester may be denied credit for work done during the semester.


Refund of Fees. Any student who has paid the registration fees and officially withdraws by submitting a withdrawal form to the Center for Enrollment Services is entitled to a refund of tuition and fees as follows:

Session length 10 weeks or greater (fall and spring 16-week terms)  
Prior to the first regularly Scheduled class day 100%
During the first five class days 80%
During the second five class days 70%
During the third five class days 50%
During the fourth five class days 25%
After the fourth five class days None
Session length greater than 5 weeks and less than 10 weeks
(Summer I and II, 1st and 2nd 8-week terms in fall and spring)
Prior to the first regularly Scheduled class day 100%
During the first, second or third class day 80%
During the fourth, fifth or sixth class day 50%
Seventh day of class and thereafter None

Special Notes:

  • Refund percent is applicable to tuition and mandatory fees only. Optional fees are not refundable.
  • If a student has not paid the total amount of the tuition and mandatory fees by the date the student withdraws, Sul Ross State University will credit the amount to be refunded toward the payment of outstanding tuition and mandatory fees owed by the student. If any portion of the amount to be refunded remains after the outstanding tuition and mandatory fees have been paid, a refund will be issued in that amount.

Refund for Dropped Courses

Should a student reduce his/her semester hours by officially dropping a course or courses in a term, the following refund rates will apply, provided the student remains enrolled in the term at Sul Ross State University:

Regular Session (16 weeks)  
During the first twelve class days 100%
After the twelfth class day None
1st or 2nd 8-Week Session in a Fall or Spring  
During the first four class days 100%
After the fourth class day None
Summer Session I or II (5-6 weeks)  
During the first four class days 100%
After the fourth class day None

A class day is a regular day of scheduled classes at the university (i.e. a full week, Monday to Friday, will have 5 class days). The first twelve class days are the first twelve days of regular class meetings on the university campus. These rates apply to total tuition and fee charges for the semester. An immediate refund will not be made at the time a student withdraws or reduces his/her hours during a semester. After all obligations are met and appropriate adjustments made to the account, any refund due will be provided either by check or direct deposit (if the student has elected this option). Checks will be mailed to the student’s mailing address on file within 30 days of a drop or withdrawal.

Office of Financial Aid

The Office of Financial Aid at Sul Ross State University is dedicated to promoting the University’s reputation as a top-quality educational institution through the development and implementation of various programs and activities. We understand that the world of financial aid can be overwhelming and confusing, considering the multitude of funding sources and types available. However, we firmly believe that no deserving and capable student should be denied the opportunity to pursue higher education at our University due to financial constraints.

At Sul Ross State University, we firmly believe in the transformative power of education and are committed to ensuring that all students have equal access to a quality higher education experience. The Office of Financial Aid is here to support you on your academic journey and help make your dreams a reality.

If you are a student seeking information about how financial aid awards are determined, the disbursement process, satisfactory academic progress requirements, or any other details regarding our financial aid programs, we encourage you to contact The Office of Financial Aid. Our knowledgeable staff will be more than happy to assist you and provide the necessary guidance.

Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) Policy

Process Overview and Applicability

The Return to Title IV is a complex process involving interoffice cooperation and coordination. The Registrar’s Office will be the primary contact point for students who wish to withdraw from the college and The Office of Financial Aid will serve as the point of contact after the return has been completed. Students receiving financial aid are advised to contact The Office of Financial Aid to review how their withdrawal may affect their financial aid. Student withdrawal information is communicated automatically and electronically to the respective offices upon completing an exit form.

Financial aid is responsible for calculating the return of Title IV funds and ensuring the proper amounts of unearned aid are returned to the appropriate Title IV programs promptly. In consultation with Financial Aid and the Bursar’s office, the Registrar’s office collects faculty enrollment verifications (no-show, last date of attendance if available, and “stop-attend” data). It provides supplemental information to Financial Aid to support R2T4 administration. The Director of Financial Aid provides interoffice staff training and policy interpretation as needed, reinforcing R2T4 requirements and procedures with involved parties.

Financial Aid staff are directly copied on each/every enrollment-related status change and withdrawal communication and are cross-trained on R2T4 administration. The Assistant Director of Financial Aid maintains appropriate internal contact with the Bursar’s Office and with the respective staff responsible for the reconciliation of Pell Grants, federal direct loans, state grants, and other applicable financial aid resources to ensure returns are made within 45 days of the date the college determined that the student was no longer in attendance. The Director of Financial Aid coordinates and monitors R2T4 compliance. Faculty generally are not required to take attendance, although some do. Faculty are required to verify class enrollments at the beginning of each term and to assist in identifying students who stop attending throughout the term. Upon request, faculty also are expected to provide information to help determine a student’s documented last date of attendance in bona fide academic activity.

When a student is officially or unofficially withdrawn from the University, and the student’s last day of attendance occurs before completing more than 60% of the semester, federal regulations require the University to recalculate financial aid eligibility. The funds must be returned to the following sources in a specific order until the total amount of the school ‘s responsibility has been satisfied. The order is:

  1. Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loans
  2. Subsidized Direct Stafford Loans
  3. Perkins Loans
  4. Direct PLUS Loans
  5. Federal Pell Grants
  6. FSEOG
  7. Other Title IV Assistance

After the completion of the R2T4 calculation, the Financial Aid Office will notify the student on how much was returned to the Department of Ed and the percentage of aid earned by the student. Any collateral balance remaining must be paid to Sul Ross. The student may pay their balance through our Bursar’s office and speak with them about payment arrangements.

Determining Return of Title IV Funds

Only students who begin but do not complete an enrollment period are potentially subject to the R2T4 requirement. For example, suppose the student completed 60% or less of the enrollment period. In that case, the R2T4 calculation is required to determine the amount(s) of Title IV aid that is “unearned”; therefore, it must be returned to the appropriate program source within 45 days of the date the college determined the student was not enrolled.

If more than 60% of the enrollment period was completed, 100% of the Title IV aid is deemed “earned,” requiring neither an R2T4 calculation nor aid adjustment. Students who remain enrolled in at least one class within the enrollment period but have dropped other courses are treated as having changed enrollment status rather than as having withdrawn completely; students who are considered to have withdrawn entirely from the college (officially or unofficially) and fall under the R2T4 requirement unless the student completed more than 60% of the enrollment period.

Examples that would require an R2T4 calculation would include:

  • Official withdrawals after attending at least one day of classes.
  • Unofficial withdrawals at or before 60% completion of the term.
  • Students who enroll but stop attending all courses by the mid-point of the term.
  • Students who do not receive a passing grade in at least one class and for whom faculty cannot confirm enrollment.

Examples that do not require an R2T4 calculation include:

  • Students who withdraw after having completed more than 60% of the enrollment period.
  • Students that may have dropped some but not all classes and did not completely withdraw.
  • Students who did not receive (and are ineligible for) FSA funds.
  • Students who were awarded only Federal Work-Study (FWS).
  • Students who never began attendance in any classes (or for whom the college cannot document at least one day of class attendance).

Formula Calculation

Sul Ross performs the R2T4 calculation (and any required financial aid resource adjustments and post-withdrawal disbursement tracking) using the functionality and controls contained in Banner financial aid management software. For the software to calculate R2T4 correctly, scheduled college breaks of five or more consecutive days are added in advance to the respective POE.

definition for each term. The FSA Worksheet, entitled “Treatment of Title IV Funds When A Student Withdraws from A Credit-Hour Program,” is automatically completed as a result of entering the applicable dates and cost information in the PFAIDS R2T4 calculation module. A hard copy of the completed worksheet and adjustment details are retained in the student’s folder. A listing of all withdrawn students with required R2T4 calculations is maintained centrally, as an added control to assist with tracking.

Withdrawal Dates

Applicable dates are determined in strict accordance with FSA requirements for a school that is not required to take attendance. Applicable withdrawal communications contain two dates: “Effective date” of the withdrawal (withdrawal date or documented last day of attendance) and “Date of Determination” (the date the institution determined that the student had withdrawn).

Both dates are required to administer R2T4 correctly. The “effective date” is used to ascertain the amount of “earned” FSA funds.

Withdrawal Types:

  • Official Notification
  • Official Notification Not Provided
  • Withdrawal After Rescission of Official Notification

For students who begin enrollment but stop attending all classes (unofficial withdrawal), the effective withdrawal date by default is the midpoint of the enrollment period unless the last date of attendance in an academically related activity is known. “Unearned” FSA funds must be returned within 45 days of the recorded “date of determination.” The determination date is presumed to be the same as the effective date unless otherwise recorded. The Director of Financial Aid (or designee) is consulted whenever the responsible college official is unclear or undecided about what date(s) to report.

No-show reports and other official communications on withdrawals, enrollment status changes, and potential stop-attends from “contact” offices, Registrar, and other college officials are

reviewed by Financial Aid. If a student’s enrollment status is unclear, the appropriate office is contacted for clarification. In addition, whenever a student’s enrollment pattern is ambiguous or suggests the student may not be in attendance (e.g., all professors except one reported the student as not enrolled/stop-attended), the professor in question is contacted by the appropriate college office to confirm the student’s enrollment status.

Students who receive all failing grades or a combination of withdrawals, failures, and incompletes (W, F, and I grades) in all classes during a term are suspected of having withdrawn unofficially from the college. Therefore, these records are reviewed carefully with Registrar and responsible faculty as necessary to determine whether the failures resulted from unreported course withdrawals.

Withdrawing from the University may have an effect in your satisfactory academic progress (SAP). Please view our requirements for maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress to remain eligible for financial aid for the following semesters.

Post-Withdrawal Disbursements

If a student withdraws but does not receive all the funds earned prior to withdrawing, a post- withdrawal disbursement may be due.

  • If a student is eligible for a post-withdrawal grant disbursement, it must be disbursed within 45 days. Permission is required to use the post-withdrawal grant disbursement for all other university charges, which include tuition, fees, and room and board charges.
  • If the post-withdrawal disbursement includes federal loan funds, the student must give permission before the funds can be disbursed.
  • The student will be notified by the Financial aid office via email within 30 days of the date of the withdrawal determination of any direct loan eligibility or parent for a Direct Parent Plus Loan eligibility.
  • If a post-withdrawal disbursement from a loan results in a credit balance, the credit balance will be refunded to the student and or parent in case of a Direct Parent Plus loan as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after the credit balance has occurred.
  • The university must return Title IV Funds within 45 days of the date the school determines the student withdrew.


The Financial Aid Office processes the return of funds on behalf of the student who owes an overpayment, differently depending on the fund type. When the grant is overpaid, the Office of Financial Aid will resolve the overpayment by returning funds and billing the student accordingly. In regards to student loans, the university loan processor will notify the student of the overpayment and give the student the option of the university returning the funds on behalf of the student and therefore having a balance with the institution. The student also has the option to reaffirm the debt by signing and agreeing that as the student they acknowledge they received more funding than eligible and has the sole responsibility of repaying the debt. If an overpayment is returned on behalf of the student and a balance is created and the student is responsible for paying the balance back to the university.

The repercussions concerning university services, if the balance is not paid, include:

  • The student will receive a bill on the first of each month following the university balance created.
  • A hold will go on a student’s account by the first of the month the bill is unpaid which will prevent any future registration or requests of official transcripts.
  • A student will not receive any future Title IV disbursements unless the student is enrolled at least part-time and is eligible to receive federal funds.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is a policy

Process Overview

Institutions must establish minimum academic progress standards for all matriculated students, including those receiving federally funded financial aid. Federal regulations limit Title IV Student Financial Aid funding to those students who, according to institutional policy, are maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward their degree objective. In practice, SAP is required for all Sul Ross State University financial aid. From a financial aid perspective, the primary interest is to assure the best and most equitable use of financial aid funds from all sources. Sul Ross State University has established the following SAP policy for financial aid by these regulations.

Evaluation of Eligibility

  • Student eligibility will be reviewed at the end of each semester (including summer terms) and during the application process.
  • A student must be admitted and enrolled in an eligible Sul Ross academic degree program.
  • A student must complete at least 67% completion rate
  • A student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA for their academic degree program (undergraduate or graduate).
  • A student may not exceed 150% of the published length of their current Sul Ross academic degree program.

Categories of students

Statement of Standards for Part-time and Full-time Undergrad Students

Students enrolled less than full-time will be required to maintain the same minimum cumulative grade point averages (2.0) as full-time students and must complete at least 67% of all coursework attempted. Additionally, students may not exceed 150% of the published length of their current Sul Ross academic degree program.

Statement of Standards for Part-time and Full-time Graduate Students

Students enrolled in degree-seeking graduate programs will be expected to complete 67% of all coursework attempted and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 to remain eligible for financial aid assistance. Additionally, students may not exceed 150% of the published length of their current Sul Ross academic degree program.

Qualitative Measure (Fixed)

The qualitative component of satisfactory academic progress assesses a student’s academic work (academic achievement). Quality is measured at SRSU using a numerical scale or grade point average (GPA).

To remain eligible to continue receiving federal and institutional financial aid, Sul Ross students must achieve the following academic qualitative standards:

  • 2.0 cumulative GPA for undergraduate students
  • 2.5 cumulative GPA for post-baccalaureate teacher certification students
  • 3.0 cumulative GPA for graduate students

A student who fails to meet the qualitative SAP standards is not making satisfactory progress towards completing their program of study. As a result, the student may lose eligibility to receive additional Title IV aid as of the date the school determines he/she has not met the school’s SAP standards.

Quantitative Standards (PACE)

The quantitative component of SAP policies typically measures the pace at which a student is progressing toward their degree. This is usually assessed through a completion rate, which measures the percentage of attempted credits that a student successfully completes. The completion rate requirement is typically around 67% or higher. For example, if a student attempted 30 credits, they would need to have successfully completed at least 20 credits (67% of 30) to meet the completion rate requirement.

A student who fails to meet the qualitative SAP standards is not making satisfactory progress toward completing their program of study. As a result, the student may lose eligibility to receive additional Title IV aid as of the date the school determines he/she has not met the school’s SAP standards.

Both the quantitative and qualitative components of SAP policies are important to ensure that students are making satisfactory progress toward their degree and meeting certain academic standards. If a student fails to meet either the quantitative or qualitative requirement, they may become ineligible for financial aid and may need to submit an appeal to have their aid reinstated. It’s important for students to understand their institution’s SAP policy and to make every effort to maintain their academic progress in order to remain eligible for financial aid. This may include meeting with academic advisors, seeking tutoring or other academic support services, and planning to improve their academic performance if necessary.

Maximum Time Frame

The maximum time frame is the amount of time in which a student should complete his or her program of study. Federal regulations specify that the absolute maximum time frame during which a student can continue receiving Title IV FSA funds may not exceed 150 percent of the program’s published length.

To remain eligible to continue receiving federal and institutional financial aid, Sul Ross students must achieve the following academic quantitative standards:

  • Undergraduate program - the maximum timeframe is 150 percent of credit hours attempted for the specific degree program.
  • Graduate program - the maximum timeframe is 150 percent of credit hours attempted for the specific degree program.

Transfer and Re-Admitted Student Eligibility

  • Transfer and Re-admitted student eligibility will be reviewed upon admission to the university.
  • A transfer student must submit an official transcript from all colleges attended and submit it to the Office of Admissions before eligibility can be determined.
  • Unofficial transcripts will not be used to determine eligibility.
  • Eligibility will be based on the hours accepted by Sul Ross.
  • A transfer and re-admitted student must meet the following requirements:
  • A transfer and re-admitted student must complete at least 67% of cumulative hours attempted and maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA. A transfer and re-admitted student may not exceed 150% of the published length of their current academic degree program.
  • Transfer - graduates


If a student fails to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements, they may have the option to appeal the decision and request that their financial aid be reinstated. The appeal process is typically a formal process that requires the student to submit documentation and provide an explanation for their inability to meet the SAP requirements.

Here are some common reasons why a student may be able to appeal a financial aid suspension:

  • Extenuating Circumstances: Students may experience unforeseen circumstances that affect their academic performance, such as a serious illness, injury, or family emergency. In these cases, students may be able to appeal their financial aid suspension by providing documentation that explains the situation and how it impacted their ability to meet the SAP requirements.
  • Academic Improvement: Students who have had a poor academic record in the past but have made significant academic progress since then may also be able to appeal their financial aid suspension. This may include students who have improved their grades, completed additional coursework, or changed their major.
  • Review by the committee: If the student’s appeal is granted, the financial aid committee will review the case to determine whether the student is eligible for financial aid. The committee may consider factors such as the student’s academic history, the severity of the extenuating circumstances, and the likelihood of the student returning to good academic standing.
  • Notification of decision: The financial aid office will notify the student of the committee’s decision regarding their eligibility for financial aid.

SAP Recalculation Due to Grade Change

If a student’s grades are changed due to a grade appeal or other administrative process, it may affect their Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status and their eligibility for financial aid. In such cases, the student’s institution will typically recalculate their SAP status based on the new grades.

If the grade change results in the student meeting the SAP requirements, their financial aid will be reinstated. However, if the new grades do not meet the SAP requirements, the student may remain on financial aid suspension and will need to submit an appeal to have their aid reinstated. It’s important to note that not all grade changes will result in a recalculation of SAP status. For example, if a student’s grades are changed due to a simple calculation error, the SAP status may not be affected. Institutions may also have specific policies in place regarding when and how SAP calculations are recalculated. Students should contact their institution’s financial aid office to understand how grade changes may affect their SAP status and financial aid eligibility. It’s important to keep in mind that SAP policies are in place to ensure that students are making academic progress toward their degree, and students should make every effort to maintain their academic performance in order to remain eligible for financial aid.


Reinstatement of Financial Aid Eligibility Students who successfully complete their academic plan and meet the requirements listed above will have their financial aid eligibility reinstated.

Transfer Credits

Coursework taken at another institution accepted as transfer credit by SRSU will count as both attempted and completed credit hours toward the pace and maximum time frame. Students who exceed the maximum time frame/hours can submit an SAP Appeal to determine if their aid can be reinstated.

Changes in Major

Students who have changed majors or are pursuing a double major may reach their maximum time frame/hours before their program of study is complete. All credits attempted are calculated in the SAP evaluation (quantitative, qualitative, and maximum time frame).

Remedial Courses

Remedial Courses are taken at SRSU neither count toward a degree nor are they computed in a student’s grade point average. However, they will count toward a student’s attempted hours.

Academic Amnesty

In calculating a student’s academic progress for federal aid eligibility, federal regulations prohibit schools from omitting attempted or earned grades from previously enrolled periods due to academic amnesty. All courses that have been attempted and completed (including transfer hours) will count towards overall hours and be part of the SAP evaluation (quantitative and qualitative components). Therefore, it is possible for a student that has been granted amnesty to be placed on financial aid suspension. Any student who loses eligibility for student aid funds based on these SAP Policy standards has the right to appeal. Please refer to the Appeal Process.

Financial Aid Good Standing (Meets SAP): Students meeting the SAP standards are considered in good standing and are eligible to receive financial aid.

Financial Aid Warning: Students not making SAP may still receive financial aid for one term on a “warning status,” but no funds will be released until the student has met with a financial aid counselor to discuss their SAP status. Students placed on academic probation have one semester to satisfy SAP requirements. Failure to meet SAP requirements while on warning status will result in the suspension of financial aid.

Financial Aid Suspension: Students who fail to meet SAP standards while on warning status or who have attempted more than 150% of the hours required for their degree are placed on financial aid suspension and are not eligible for any aid until they meet the standards or successfully appeal the suspension status.

Financial Aid Appeal: The SAP appeal process permits a student who does not meet SAP requirements to request reconsideration of aid eligibility. An appeal must describe the causes that prevented the student from fulfilling the requirements and what has changed in the student’s situation that will allow him or her to make satisfactory academic progress at the next review.

Similar appeals or appeals for the same reason are not permitted. The inability to comprehend withdrawal policies or the conditions for adequate academic advancement is not a valid appeal reason. The requirements for supporting circumstances and documentation will increase for each succeeding appeal. There is a restriction of one appeal per aid year and two appeals per student’s duration.

Financial Aid Probation: Students who successfully appeal their suspension of financial assistance are placed on financial aid probation. While a student is on financial aid probation, the student may be required to fulfill specific terms and conditions, such as taking a reduced course load or enrolling in specific courses. Students on probation will receive aid for one term while attempting to meet SAP standards to return to good standing. A student who cannot meet the minimum requirements by the next evaluation period is placed on an SAP Academic Plan as part of the terms of probation. Failure to meet SAP standards at the end of a probation term results in the student returning to financial aid suspension status.

Financial Aid Academic Plan: A Financial Aid Academic Plan is intended to help a student satisfy SAP standards in a set number of terms. A student on an academic plan must adhere to the terms of the agreement. Following each term, a review will be conducted to determine whether or not the student met the criteria of the plan. If a student does not meet the terms, he or she will lose eligibility for financial help. If the student passes the plan’s requirements, he or she will continue in this status until the plan expires or the student meets SAP standards.


Sul Ross State University offers many outstanding academic scholarships for beginning freshmen as well as students currently enrolled who excel in areas of academic achievement and leadership.

Interested students should contact the Center for Enrollment Services at (432) 837-8050, by mail at Box C-2, Alpine, Texas 79832, or visit Lawrence Hall Room 100 on the SRSU Campus. The Scholarship brochure and application may also be found online at: http://www.sulross.edu/page/1064/srsu-scholarships

Programa De Asistencia Estudiantil (PASE)

Mexican citizens are eligible for the Programa de Asistencia Estudiantil (PASE) under which they qualify for in-state tuition and fees. Only Mexican citizens are eligible for PASE. U.S. citizens holding dual U.S./Mexican status are not eligible for PASE.

For more information on PASE or for a PASE application form, contact the Center for Enrollment Services, Box C-2, Alpine, Texas 79832.