2023-2024 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Behavioral & Social Sciences
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(Including majors and minors in Anthropology, Communication, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Social Sciences, and Sociology)
Jimmy D. Case College of Literature, Arts, and Social Sciences
Office: Lawrence Hall 208
Phone: (432) 837-8157
E-mail: kendradehart@sulross.edu
Chair and Assistant Professor: Kendra DeHart, Ph.D.
Professor: James W. Downing, Ph.D.
Associate Professors: Bret Scott, M.F.A., Alicia Trotman, Ph.D., Joseph Velasco, Ph.D., Savannah Williamson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors: Yen-Hsin Chen, Ph.D., Charles Koenig, Ph.D., Devin Pettigrew, Ph.D.,
Bryon Schroeder, Ph.D., Jessica Velasco, D.P.A.
Lecturer: Matthew G. Marsh, M.A.
Program Description
The Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences offers course work leading to the Bachelor of Arts degrees in Communication, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Social Science. Cultural and Diversity Studies is offered as a minor field of study, which involves course work in other departments as well. In addition, course work is offered in Anthropology and Philosophy. Teacher certification is available in History and Social Sciences in all disciplines listed above. At the graduate level, the department offers the Master of Arts degrees in History and Political Science and the Master of Public Administration (MPA).
The Behavioral and Social Sciences faculty is engaged in wide-range research with an international, national, and regional focus. There has been a tradition of research addressing Trans-Pecos/Big Bend area as well as cross-cultural research in Mexico. The Center for Big Bend Studies and the Museum of the Big Bend are closely associated with the department and provide students opportunities for archeological and historical research. The Psychology faculty collaborates with mental health organizations in the area to facilitate professional and research connections for students. As available, the Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences also provides educational opportunities through international travel in Europe, Mexico, and beyond.
Through both History (HIST 1301 & 1302) and Political Science (PS 2305 & 2306) courses, the Department of Behavioral & Social Sciences meets the Texas state legal requirements for course work in United States history and government. These requirements may be met in a variety of ways indicated in the course descriptions for the appropriate discipline.
The Department sponsors several honorary societies, including Phi Alpha Theta, the national history honorary society; Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honorary society; Psi Chi, the international psychology honor society; and Lambda Pi Eta, the honor society for Communication majors.
As with all Sul Ross students, graduate students majoring in an academic area within the Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences are required to take a major field assessment examination during the semester in which they graduate. Students should contact their major field advisors concerning specifics of the examinations.
The Department is located in Lawrence Hall and works in cooperation with the Museum of the Big Bend. One psychology lab is maintained to provide undergraduate psychology students with equipment to conduct on-site research. In addition to faculty offices, office space for history and political science graduate teaching assistants is available.
Career Opportunities:
Each program in the department is designed to provide an educational experience which will lead to career and graduate opportunities for the students.
Education (at all levels) |
Public Policy Analysts |
Government/Public Administration |
Law School |
Journalism |
Paralegal careers |
Museum and Archival careers |
Graduate Museum and Archive Programs |
Writing and Editing Careers |
Graduate History Programs |
Business which seeks employess with liberal arts backgrounds |
Entertainment |
Political Science
Education |
Federal, State, and Local Agencies/Public Administration |
Government/Public Administration |
Private & Non-Profit Agencies |
Business which seeks employees with liberal arts backgrounds |
Journalism |
Public Relations |
Government-Related Business |
Minority Affairs |
Law School |
Political Science |
Paralegal careers |
Education Research |
Graduate Political Science Programs |
Education (e.g. school counseling) |
Research (e.g. experimental psychology) |
Social workers and child protective service workers |
Well-being, Physical and Mental Health Counselors / Sports Psychologists / Life Coaches |
Law Enforcement, Correction, and Probation Officers, Detectives and Forensic Psychologists |
Other health, environmental, government and private industry positions requiring a liberal arts background: |
Industrial or Organizational Psychologists |
Paralegal careers and Law School |
Psychometrist or Clinician |
Ecological and Sustainability Issues and Disaster Recovery |
Marriage and Family Therapists |
Medical careers and Psychiatry |
Art, Music, and Drama Therapists |
Social Work Programs |
Human resource management |
Graduate Psychology Programs |
Counselors or Psychotherapists |
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